Skeniranje zemljevida
Kdo mi lahko razloži kako in s katerim programom preskeniram pomorske karte.Rad bi jih uporabljal v povezavi z GPSjem.V reviji VAL je pisalo, da se to da, sicer so Hrvati naredil en program, ki je baje zelo dober samo cena je cca 1500 Evrov kar se mi zdi tu mač.
Lp duhec
Ljudstvo uporablja OzziExplorer, baje je eden od top 10 za te zadeve zganjat.
Kaj omogoča:
OziExplorer is interactive, raster image, trip planning and moving map software which allows the user to add Waypoints, Routes and Tracks to the Map by simple point & click and then download these to a GPS.
Scan and calibrate your own maps or charts.
Use maps in various formats which can be purchased in digital form (BSB, Maptech, USGS DRG).
Direct support for most Lowrance/Eagle, Garmin and Magellan GPS receivers for Uploading and Downloading Waypoints, Routes and Tracks.
Supports Upload/Download of Events for Lowrance/Eagle GPS receivers.
Create Tracks on the map and upload to the GPS (Lowrance/Eagle, Garmin and Magellan), not all GPS models support this function..
Specify permanent Map features and display a picture for each feature.Place symbols and comments on the Map.
Over 100 map Datums supported.
Numerous Grid systems, including UTM, BNG, IG, Swiss, Swedish, NZG + others.
Numerous Map Projections supported.
Print Maps and Waypoint Lists.
+ much, much more.
Link je tukajle:
Program je shareware. Če se pa malce spoznaš na N’ternet ti bo pa življenje lepše z OziExplorerjem…
Ne smem preveč pisati, če ne me bo Primož za ušesa – hehe
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