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Imam en problem.

V računalniku sem dodal še 128 MB RAM k obstoječemu 64 MB.Oba sta 133 Mhz.Računalnik je star eno leto ,700 Mhz.
Računalnik je zaznal 196 MB,vendar se Windows XP ni hotel zagnati.Na začetku se sicer pokaže uvodni Screen,potem pa Blue screen.Tam piše,da se Windows ni namestil,ker je hotel preprečiti kakšne probleme in da naj preverim na novo dodan software ali hardware.
Najprej sem mislil,da RAM-a nista kompatibilna,zato se pustil noter samo 128 MB,vendar je bil spet isti problem.
Potem pa sem dal noter samo 64 MB,tako,kot je bilo na začetku,vendar se XP še vedno noče zagnati in se pojavlja tisti blue screen.

Kaj zdaj ? Zakaj se XP ne zažene,čeprav je vse isto,kot je bilo na začetku ?

Pa še eno vprasšanje :

Opazil sem še,da XP uporablja NTFS format na trdem disku in ga ni mogoče formatirati,tako,kot pri Win98.
Kako je treba tu postopati,če želim zbrisati XP in formatirati trdi disk ?

Hvala za odgovor.

Najprej poskusi XP-je zagnati v t. i. varnem zagonu, saj se spomniš ne? Tipka F8… in ponovni topli reset.

Kar se tiče ponovnega formatiranja NTFS particije ali diska… nič lažjega – ponovno vstaviš CD za XP-ji na WIN2k in setup te sam pripelje do opcije za formatiranje.

Ob prvi namestitvi lahko izbiraš med NTFS in FAT32, ob drugi pa mislim, da ponudi samo še NTFS. Če se prav spominjam sem nekoč zadevo rešil tako, da sem le zbrisal particijo NTFS, nakar sem s FDISK z zagonske diskete lahko znova nastavil FAT32 in formatiral disk.

Gotovo obstaja še kakšna, enostavnejša rešitev.

Sem poskusil zagnati tudi v varnem zagonu, pa ni šlo in se je spet tam utavilo.

XP-ji imajo funkcijo Restore, če je nisi izključil. Morda bi poskusil še s tem. Vprašanje pa je, če boš to sploh še lahko storil.

Še najenostavnejša rešitev: vtakni cd in ponovno instaliraj XP – brez formatiranja, če želiš ohraniti ostale programe. Ali pa počakaj še na kakšen odgovor, saj se mi zdi čudno, da bi s tem, kar si delal, sesul XP-je.

Sam v Windowsih uporabljam Q-Recovery. Pravi Blažev žegen za vse, ki se igračkajo, spreminjajo konfiguracije, preizkušajo programčke, igrice, surfajo po sex straneh ipd. Ni sicer kao GoBack, ampak reši skoraj vsako težavco – v veselje vseh – ko se spet pokaže uvodni zaslon. Ne vem, ali Q-Recovery že deluje na XP.

Še tole: slabe izkušnje imam, kadar se uporabniki sami odločajo za menjavo ali razširitev RAM-a. S tem ne mislim, da ti tega ne obvladaš. Tako namreč nastanejo spori in težave s prodajalcem RAM-a, ki sila nerad prizna ev. reklamacijo. Če kištico odneseš na servis, sicer plačaš prešerna, ampak morajo PC sami stestirati in izbrati RAM, ki se najbolje ujema s tvojo platko. Vsak poseg v mašinco jemljem namreč kot operacijo na pacientu. Večini se rane hitro zacelijo, nekateri pa podležejo. Statika je hudič!

Pa lepo usposobi mašinco, da bo letela, kolikor pač bo na 700 M.

This article discusses how to troubleshoot the following
Stop error in Windows XP:

Stop: 0x0000000A (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3,
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL*** Address has base at –

The parameters refer to the specific issues that are

– Parameter 1 – An address that was referenced improperly

– Parameter 2 – An IRQL that was required to access the

– Parameter 3 – The type of access, where 0 is a read
operation and 1 is a
write operation

– Parameter 4 – The address of the instruction that
referenced memory in
parameter 1

This article describes troubleshooting steps to take if
you receive this Stop
error either during or after the installation of Windows


Stop error 0x0000000A (Stop 0x0A) shows that there was an
attempt in kernel mode
to touch pageable memory at too high a process internal
request level (IRQL).
This error usually occurs when a driver uses an incorrect
memory address. Other
possible causes of this error are an incompatible device
driver, a general
hardware problem, and incompatible software.

A Stop 0x0A Error During the Installation of Windows

If you receive a Stop 0x0A error during the installation
of Windows, use the
following troubleshooting procedures to check hardware

Check the HCL:

Verify that your hardware is on the Windows XP Hardware
Compatibility List (HCL).
If your hardware is not on the Windows XP HCL, consider
obtaining hardware that
is on the HCL.

For additional information about the Windows HCL, click
the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q314062 The Latest Windows XP Hardware Compatibility

The latest HCL is available at the following Microsoft Web

Also, read the “Check System Compatibility” topic on the
Windows XP CD-ROM to
find out about potential software and hardware

The following troubleshooting steps can help you isolate
the problem. Use the
Windows XP CD-ROM to start the computer, and then follow
the on-screen
installation instructions.

Check Other Hardware Issues:

If you continue to receive a Stop 0x0A error during the
installation of Windows
XP, try the following troubleshooting steps. After each
step, try again to
install Windows.

1. During the installation startup, press F5 when
the “Setup is inspecting your
computer’s hardware configuration” message appears. When
you are prompted,
specify the correct computer type and hardware
abstraction layer (HAL). For
example, if you have a single processor, specify
the “Standard PC” HAL.

2. Turn off the following features in the CMOS settings of
your computer.
Consult the hardware documentation or manufacturer for

– All caching, including L2, BIOS, internal/external,
and write-back caching
on disk controllers

– All shadowing

– Plug and Play

– Any BIOS-based virus protection feature

3. Remove all adapters and disconnect all hardware devices
that are not
absolutely required to start the computer and install
Windows, including:

– Network adapter

– Internal modem

– Sound card

– Extra hard disks (you need at least one to complete
the installation)

– CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (if you are installing from
the local hard disk)

4. If you are using a SCSI adapter, perform the following
tasks (consult the
hardware documentation for information):

– Obtain the latest Windows driver from the adapter

– Turn off sync negotiation on the SCSI controller.

– Verify that termination and IDs of the SCSI devices
are correct.

– Remove all SCSI devices from the SCSI chain (except
for one hard disk if
you are starting from or installing to a drive that
is on that disk).

5. If you are using IDE devices, perform the following
tasks (consult the
hardware documentation for more information):

– Define the on-board IDE port to Primary only.

– Verify that the Master/Slave/Only settings for the
IDE devices are

– Remove all IDE devices except for the hard disk.

6. Check the memory SIMMs (the RAM) in the computer
(consult your hardware
documentation for more information):

– Remove any mismatched memory SIMMs so that all the
SIMMs operate at the
same speed, for example 60ns or 70ns.

– Run a systems test on the memory, and remove any bad

– Test by using different SIMMs if any are available.

7. Contact the manufacturer of the computer or the
motherboard to see whether
there are any known issues about running or installing
Windows XP. The
manufacturer might be able to provide guidance about the
following items:

– Running a diagnostics program on the computer.

– Upgrading the computer BIOS, if that is applicable.

A Stop 0x0A Error After Windows XP Is Already Installed

If you receive the Stop 0x0A error after Windows XP is
already installed, use the
following troubleshooting procedures to check other

Check Third-Party Software or Drivers:

If you have installed any third-party software or drivers,
try removing them or
disabling them so that they do not load, and then restart
the computer to see
whether that software or driver is causing the error. If
that software or driver
is causing the error, report the problem to the vendor of
the software or

If you are not able to start into Windows XP after you
install the software or
drivers, use one of the following methods to restore

– Try using the Last Known Good configuration.

For additional information about using the Last Known Good
configuration, click
the article number below to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q307852 HOW TO: Start Your Computer with Last Known
Good Configuration

– Try repairing the Windows XP installation. Follow these

1. Disable any antivirus program and BIOS-level
antivirus protection. For
help, refer to the relevant software manual or online

2. Make sure that the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive is the
first priority startup
device. Refer to your computer documentation for
information about how to
do this.

3. Insert the Windows XP CD into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
drive, and then
restart your computer.

4. When the instruction to “Press any key to boot from
CD” appears, press a
key to let your computer start from the Windows XP CD.

5. When the computer starts from the CD, the system
checks your hardware and
then prompts you to select one of the following

– To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.

– To repair a Windows XP installation using
Recovery Console, press R.

– To quit Setup without installing Windows XP,
press F3.

6. Press ENTER.

7. Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.

8. A box lists your current Windows XP installation,
and then the system
prompts you to select one of the following options:

– To repair the selected Windows XP installation,
press R.

– To continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP
without repairing,
press ESC.

9. Press R to start the automatic repair process. After
repairing Windows XP,
you may need to reactivate Windows XP, if you changed
some hardware.

– Try using the Roll Back Driver feature.

For additional information about using the Roll Back
Driver feature, click the
article number below to view the article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:

Q283657 HOW TO: Use the Roll Back Driver Feature

– Try using the Windows XP System Restore feature.

For additional information about using the System Restore
feature, click the
article number below to view the article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:

Q306084 HOW TO: Restore Windows XP to a Previous State

– Try using Recovery Console.

For additional information about using Recovery Console,
click the article number
below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q307654 HOW TO: Access the Recovery Console During

– If Windows is on a FAT partition, try booting to MS-DOS
and renaming the
problem software or driver.

Check Newly Installed Hardware:

If you added any hardware device after Windows was
installed, try removing the
newly added device to see whether the Stop 0x0A error
stops occurring. If
removing the newly added device resolves the problem, try
any or all of the
following procedures:

– Obtain updated drivers for the device, if any updated
drivers are available.

– Call the vendor of the device to see whether there are
any known issues with
the device.

– Run diagnostics to make sure that the device is working

– Examine the logs under Event Viewer to see whether
there is any event
information that might help you determine what device or
driver is causing
the problem.

Additional Information

If the preceding steps do not resolve the Stop 0x0A error,
and if you are running
Windows on HCL-compliant hardware, refer to the following
article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q314103 Preparation Before You Contact Microsoft After
Receiving a STOP
Message on a Blue Screen

You can also refer to the following pages on the Microsoft
Support Site:

Troubleshoot Windows XP Professional

Troubleshoot Windows XP Home

Additional query words: ntoskrnl.exe blue screen tshoot
0x0000000a 0a oa

skratka, trivialna rešitev :)))

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