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Prosim za nasvete, katere filme si je vredno ogledati in kateri so vam bili najbolj všeč. Ne glede na žanr.


Forrest Gump (1994), One Flew Over the Cucco’s Nest (1975), Shining, The (1980), American Beauty,..

Braveheart, Hair, Reševanje vojaka Ryana, Čokolada, Malena, Let nad kukavičjim gnezdom, Plesalka v temi, …

The Others, Dirty Dancing, Bodyguard, Grease, The Pianist, Bad Boys, National Security, Legaly Blonde,….

Blade Runner, Dangerous Liaisions, The Godfather I, II, Citizen Kane, Metropolis, Casablanca, Gone with the wind, Eyes wide shut, E.T., Solaris, Psycho, Shawshank Redemption, Hellraiser, Groundhog day, Flashdance, Rocky, Conan, Indiana Jones (Raiders of the lost arc, temple of doom, the last crusade) …..

Antwone Fisher, hearts in atlantis, 25 hours, girls just wana have fun, joy ride, the shawsank redeptaion, swardfish, enemy at the gates, green mile…

Mediteraneo,Poštar,Betty Blue,Dekalog, Kekec….!

The Graduate, The Elephant Man, Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks, Airplane & Airplane II :), Birds, Intacto, Hable Con Ella, Amelie, The Magdalene Sisters, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Girl Interrupted, …


Indian Runner, Casablanca, Streetcar named Desire (z Brandom, itak), Gone With the Wind, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Blade Runner, Nosferatu, Night of the Living Dead, Training Day, The Misfits, The Wild One, Dead Man…………

filmi od naslednjih ljudi:
stanley kubrick
akira kurosawa
federico fellini
orson welles
david lynch
alfred hitchcock
jean renoir
ingmar bergman
NE glej pa filmov od naslednjih:

steven spielberg

Jst bi dodal še:

Krzysztof Kieslowski
Lars van Trier
brata Coen
Mike Leigh
Robert Altman
Jim Jarmusch
David Cronenberg
Sergio Leone
Martin Scorsese

Drugač pa filmi k se jih zdej spomnem:

Rashomon (in vsi drugi od Kurosawe)
Clockwork orange (in vsi drugi od Kubricka)
Cabaret (1972)
Third man (1949)
Dekalog I-10 (in vsi drugi od Kieslowskega)
Blade runner
Big Lebowski
od novejših “25th hour”

Kaj pa je z Spielbergom narobe?

Ja, kaj je narobe??

13th Warrior, The
American History X
Basic Instinct
Blade Runner
Boyz N the Hood
Exorcist, The
Fight Club
Game, The
Godfather vsi trije deli
Matrix oba dela
Primal Fear
Pulp Fiction
Rob Roy
Shawshank Redemption, The
Silence of the lambs
Sixth Sense, The
Taxi Driver
Usual Suspects, The

lp muteman

Pupa napisal:
> Kaj pa je z Spielbergom narobe?

le kaj: izumil je blockbuster… njegovi filmi so čista komerciala, z izjemo schindlerja že 20 let ni posnel dobrega filma. je pa res da ima talent in da je njegov prispevek (jurassic park) pri uporabi rač. tehnologije ogromen.

jest bi predlagal Goodfellas in Donnie Brasco

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