Nato vojaki naj bi okužili WUHAN? + izkrcanje 40.000 nato vojakov v Evropi?
Ful zanimivi dogodki
Ne morem verjet, da ni prav nikjer nič objavljenega o tem, kaj se dogaja ravno sedaj sredi naše Evrope. V Trstu se je izkrcala prava ameriška vojska – 37000 vojakov, 14000 oklepnih vozil in pičijo po Evropi do meje z Riusijo. Operacija se imenuje Branilec Evrope 20
en članek je tukaj v slovenščini … 4b8QPJ9sVs , ostali so v tujih jezikih. Pomembno vprašanje: SO TI VOJAKI CEPLJENI PROTI KORONAVIRUSU ali je koronavirus in ustavitev javnega življenja scena za to, da se ta vojska lahko nemoteno premika po naših državah? … 8P1SGh_s-0
pa tole … JAC9LNIKq0
menda ne uporabljajo mask in niti nimajo varnostne razdalje med seboj, ljudje se sprašujejo, če so bili ti vojaki morebiti že cepljeni proti temu virusu ali imuni …
Kaj imajo v takih izrednih razmerah (svetovna pandemija, splošna karantena Italija), za počet ameriški vojaki s svojo opremo na EU tleh. In to brez mask, brez bojazni da bi kaj fasali, mi smo pa vsi lepo prostovoljno pozaprti po sovjih domovih. To vam zdi to logično in razumljivo?
Trieste. 10/03/20
While in Italy newspaper headlines, broadcasts and social media are invaded by the now much discussed “coronavirus”, right in these hours
20.000 U.S. soldiers are landing at 7 European airports and will be added to 10.000 other U.S. military already in Europe and 7000 other military from different European countries.
A total of 37000 armed military for what purpose?
To help states in blocking this much exalted virus or rescue those who contracted it?
Absolutely not!!!
Have they arrived to dislocate or, using words from senior US officials to ” spread ” across European territory to start the ” Europe Defender 20 ” which will begin in April and is expected to end in July!!
Have the citizens been informed of what it is? Obviously not!
The Europe Defender 20 is a drill designed by the USA government in collaboration with NATO to “try” the strategies to be used by USA and Europe (which reaffirms its subordination to the USA) IF a threat is triggers leading to a hypothetical war.
Threatening from whom?
Obviously US officials glimpse on the answer without clarifying and using the generic phrase “hypothetical threat”.
Obviously the only hypothetical threat that can be attributed to US thinking is Russia (China’s ally) with which they have been voluntarily creating great tensions for a long time.
But let’s analyze it.
For this exercise, in addition to the 37000 military, 14000 military vehicles will be imported (therefore tanks, helicopters etc…) and in proportion as many ammunition.
So given the ” virus “: soldiers will arrive with due masks and niceties to do this ” drill “?
Obviously not!!!
According to US officials these soldiers are healthy so according to them they are exempt from contracting the “coronavirus”.
Something’s not right!!!
Makes you wonder
– why is it not just a drill given the WHO’s note about the spread of this virus and the media, social, health, political and economic chaos that it is generating around the world?
– Why can citizens contract this virus and US military can move without problems?
– Why has it been decided to conduct this exercise geographically in a position that would involve a hypothetical conflict with Russia and not in other areas that look at other horizons?
– Why don’t 95 {04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of the media talk about it?
– Why don’t all Italian politicians talk about it?
– If soldiers are exempt, does it mean that the virus is not what you are so excited or is there already the possibility of a vaccine and therefore to make a human being immune and is not said?
– If U.S. soldiers contracted the virus, wouldn’t they become an exponential cause of the virus expansion?
Russia has asked numerous questions to which it has not been answered and on the basis of this it has already said that it will keep its military position alert within its borders, which does not preclude such a reassuring scenario with two armed sides: exercise or Less than it is.
China, an ally of Russia concludes months ago a contract with Italy (fundamental country for Europe for trade relations on the Mediterranean and its strategic position if there were conflicts) to make trade relations between Italy solid and more important and China and making America’s power over Italy less important but not insignificant.
From here begins its course the coronavirus that starts from China but explodes incredibly in Italy not only from a health point of view but above all powered by the world media despite the triggering case is not linked to an Italian.
China and Russia have been the undisputed trade opponents of the USA for years because their importance is far watering the dollar monopoly on the global market, and this is creating not little loss of power both economically and geopolitically.
America has long been doing everything to provoke Russia with market movements and military dislocations on everything that touches its commercial and geopolitical interests.
Now, while citizens of the world are projected with their eyes and ears on Europe, China and Italy, America instead, without any weight to the chaos that objectively exists about a virus about which even virologists say things Diametrically opposite, decides to carry on without ifs and without but a drill that, if so, could be postponed to a quieter period.
So why so much pressure to bring American soldiers and weapons in Europe in alarming quantities for a simple exercise and knowing that this triggers a high level of alert in Russia?
The phenomenon “coronavirus” is a useful tool to distract and prepare a large part of the world citizens for something more important that needs to happen or that someone is preparing to make happen and that doesn’t have to do with the solution of a virus influenza but with a breakdown in the global geopolitical system.
Something is happening and it’s not about conspiracy but about geopolitical facts that are happening and which are already happening in 7 European countries.
This is the subject you should ask ourselves on.”