Današnja tehnologija in nova cepiva
Če naredim samo kratek povzetek videa in najbolj izstopajoče zanimivosti:
(32:50): You have the capacity to create any product, as long as you know the DNA sequence, you can insert it into a living system and you can remotely control it.
Še naprej:
– cells can be designed for specific activities and targets
– cells can be stratigically placed
– cells can be remotly controlled
In za konec sladica (video 52:50), medtem ko ljudje spijo, jim nevede lahko vgradijo nove spomine, novo znanje, stvari, ki se jim niso nikoli zgodile, pa vendar so mislili, da so se jim.
48:58: You can change anyones behaviour by changing everyones memories/past. This has tremendous defensive/offensive capabilities. No longer having to persuade people, just alter peoples memories. Using false memories to control people, which is not possible to detect. “Particularly effective”. Chemical implanting of memories should come out in within the year 2020.
So še vedno cepiva in odvzem brisov (dnk) varna? Vemo v čigavih rokah je tehnologija?
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