Love is…
Love is…
More beautiful than roses
Much deeper than the seas
Stronger than a hurricane
But timid like a breeze
Real as in a picture
But yet it can’t be seen
More beautiful than anything
As vivid as a dream
Precious as rare jewels
A bond between two hearts
A symphony of feelings
When time is spent apart
Sharing common interests
Working through all fears
Looking at yourself
As if two were in the mirror
Finding common ground
On issues not agreed
Giving into arguments
Tending all your needs
Being there for always
Is all I want to do
Holding you forever
Because our love is true
~Andrea Hill~
Ja, če se koga bojiš, potem bo to najbrž
to, da se bojiš sebe, nas se ni treba bati,
smo res odrolani, zarolani, prfuranu, odpičeni,
vse mogoče smo, žlehtni pa nismo, smo le
izbrana žlahtna družba ….. ne de, sprevržko?
In delamo to, kar so nas od malih nog učili:
ljubimo se med seboj!