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Splash Forum Starševski čvek Sexualno-religiozno-misteriozna


A college girl was supposed to write a short story in as few words
as possible for her English class and the instructions were that it had to
include Religion, Sexuality and Mystery. She was the
only one who received an A+ and this is what she wrote:

Good God, I’m pregnant, I wonder who did it?


Hehe, dober je, dober :))))))))).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Jaz bom pa še krajši stavek povedal.
Običajno sem ga izgovarjal v srednji šoli, ko je bila kaka pizdarija.

I did’it.

********************** Šišam, brijam, zube vadim !

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