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Splash Forum Starševski čvek Pospravljanje: torek!

Pospravljanje: torek!

Ta teden pospravljamo cono 3 – to je kopalnica in dodatna soba – “pisarna”

V kopalnici bomo preverile stanje pajkov in očistile ventilatorje. Če ventilatorjev nimate, potem očistite luč v kopalnici. To vam ne bo vzelo veliko časa.

Druga soba – “pisarna”. Lahko je to domača pisarna ali službena.
V petih minutah pospravimo pisalno mizo na levi strani monitorja oz. računalnika.

Kar vam preostane časa viška, ga “zapravite” v omari med oblekami :))

Ne pozabite na 4 obvezne vsakodnevne naloge!




Dear Friends,

This week we are in Zone 3. This is the main bathroom in our home that our guests would us. Let’s get it clean enough for company, since the holidays are **** around the corner and keep it clean each day with a swish and a swipe!

Today’s mission it look up high and get the cobwebs off the ceilings and clean the vent grill. I know this is a nasty thing; get a proper step ladder and you better have on your shoes. If you don’t have a bathroom vent then clean the light fixture. You know remove those dead bug bodies and wash it. Then put it back up. This will not take long.

We are also in another room this week. I have chosen the Office; this can be your home office or your office at work. Our offices become dumping grounds, **** like our bedrooms. Many of our offices are our guest rooms. So let’s make a dent in here this week so we will not have that much to do to get ready for company, wrapping presents, keeping up with our holiday control journals and our holiday budgets.

Look on the left side of your computer and go through this pile and file it or toss it. Then take 5 minutes and write down the beginning of your office routine. On one sheet of paper; Write down the things that you need to do as soon as you get into the office. You know; make coffee, check mail, check voice messages, I don’t have to tell you what needs doing at the office. **** write down what you do for now. You can put them in order later.


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