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4 Since

Ej, Sincek… sej ti poslušaš tako musko, aneda? :))))))
Men je ta zakon………… so prej skor zvočniki uleteli skoz šipo :)))))

On a chicken-hunt, huntin’ for a chicken
Get paranoid when you hear my Glock clickin’
Speakin’ to the punk that’s tweakin’
With the bitch-ass styles I hit you like Deacon

Jones house, cough without the bones
I rolled ya up and smoked you like cones
Split the seed and grow you like clones
Don’t start-me-up, cause I’m not the Rolling Stones
But I get stoned with a little help from my friends
With the (gubla), then I passed it round back to me again

I can make you famous like Amos
Same as the last punk, when I stuck the gatt up his anus
Hear me growl: Grrra! Howl!
I got the night vision just like the wise old owl

I’m comin’ ta fetch ya
Yeah home to wreck ya
Bury them bones
Under my home and

Cock the hammer!
Cock the hammer, it’s time for action!
Cock the hammer!
Cock the hammer, it’s time for action!

Take my weapon, step into a whole new realm
And step back, as I take up the helm
On the pirate ship I’m steerin’
Droppin’ the geran
Just realize what you’re hearin’

The cannon sounded
That’s my companion: surrounded
As my crew comes bounding
As the captain
Whole lotta gattin’
With the loc’ed out latin
You’re a red beard with a musket
Better duck quick ’cause ya might get dusted
Your gatt looks rusted, disgusted
Oh look away, look away boy as I rush it
Yes I know that you can’t withstand it
Watch that ass cause punk I’ll brand it

With a steel-toe, how you feel now
When my boot stuck in that ass like a dildo
Cry on a pillow, weeper that’s willow
The Hill got the skill for the static like brillo

Hmmm, what you talkin’ `bout punk
Gimme room as I light up the boom
Cock the hammer, wave the white banner
Ever heard a Glock go `click’ like a camera?

Cock the hammer!
Cock the hammer, it’s time for action!
Cock the hammer!
Cock the hammer, it’s time for action!

Cock the hammer!
Cock the hammer, it’s time for action!
Cock the hammer!
Cock the hammer, it’s time for action!

cypress hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

black sunday!!!!!!

Who you trin’ to get crazy with ese? Don’t you know I’m loco?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

Loco? To že vsi ptički čivkajo… Ja, saj vsi vemo… 😉 :)))))))))

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

ti si jih iščeš…ne se čudit ko si jih boš našla :)))))

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

😉 :)))))))))))))

Ko jih najdem, ti javim… ne, pol bo pisalo kar v cajtngah ;).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

se že veseliš da boš v časopisu?:))))

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

Enkrat pa sem res že bila 😉 :)).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

ki?? na predzadnji strani večera :)))))))???????

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

:)))))))))))) Tam pa res še ne 😉 :))). Alive and kickin’ ;).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

jaz se pa že veselil,da sem končno našo povezavo med zombiji in ženskami :)))

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

:)))))))))))) Zombiji so counter-pole ženskam… Enako kot moški. In če logično sklepaš prideš do zaključka moški = zombi. Bo dovolj dobra povezava? 😉

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

v bistvu je to res…zombiji so QL, ženske pa niste……hmmmm true..


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

:))))))))))))) Dobesedno cool 😉 :))).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Aja: pa zombiji ponavadi smrdijo po zatohlem, ko so že tako dolgo v zemlji “počivali”…pa umazani so… in strgane cote imajo oblečene… Hmmm… No, jaz se ne bi preveč hvalila… 😉 :)))))))))))

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

zakaj ne so samo dobre stvari…..idi v mesto pa poglej kaj glupe **** enosijo???:))) ti bom kar povedal

znucane kavbojke!!!!! in to jih kupijo, mi moški jih sami znucamo, pa smo oblečeni po modi….dnar ki ga prišparamo pa lahko zapravimo za pir!!!

KDO JE BOLJŠI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA!!! 🙂

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

ob ženski pravi moški ne more bit drugačen kot cool!!!! :))

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

Evo, moje kavbojke niso nikoli znucane, ko jih kupim… kupujem pa tako tam, kjer je najcenejše (vrag po znamki!). Ha? In kdo je zdaj bolj pameten? 😉 :)))))))

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.


_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.


1.ker smo oblečeni po modi
2.ker mamo dobro firmo oblečeno

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

Čeimaš pa firmo, pol pa več zapraviš, kot jaz. Pa spet meni denar za pir ostane :P… No, ok… Ne za pir, ampak za tortico 😉 😛 :))))))))))))))))) Pa sem spet jaz bolj pametna 😉 :))))))))))

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

samo moški ponucamo ene kavbojke, včasu ko jih ženske menjate kakih 10 komadov…:)


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

Ni res. Jaz imam moje že uuuuh let…. Dokler se še skupaj držijo, so v redu… Ko pa se ne bodo več, bom pa kratke hlače iz njih naredila. Tak! Ha? Booooljša sem 😉 :))))))).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

samo po vrsti let jih menjaš…moški umremo v tistih kavbojkah v katerih se rodimo…..WHO RULES!!!!!!! :))

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I`m not about to lose my freedom over no female!!! Happy Valentine`s get in there and make my diner bitch!!!

:))))))))))))))))) Če je zdaj kdo vse to bral, bi brez skrbi mislil, da sva z Gorenjske 😉 :)))))))))

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

ops…ki nuisi štajerka???????

leta letijo - iščem stevardeso.....

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