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Splash Forum Starševski čvek angleščina-mnenje


Kaj mislite o pravilnosti naslednjih prevodov:

1. po izteku tega datuma bo unovčena bančna garancija

after the expiration of this date otherwise the bank guarrantee will be realised.

2. s tem pismom so zaključene pravice, ki se nanašajo na zadevo, ki je potrjena z dopisom 3.

With this letter the rights, concerning the matter , confirmed by the letter 3, are concluded.

ne ni vredu, ampak trenutno sem brez slovarja in ti težko povem pravilna stavka. vidim samo, da se bere precej narobe, upam, da se katera javi.

nisem sicer anglist ampak nekaj takega:

2. stavek
By this letter are the rights regarding the matter that was confirmed by letter no. 3 teminated.

1. after expiration of the date the bank guarantee will be invoked

2. all the rights, referring to the matter, confirmed with the letter 3 are herewith with this letter concluded.

ne garantiram da je 100{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}

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