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Pivo ali vino? Ali voda?

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

merlot, refošk!
za life!

….bi izbral tisto, česar nisi napisala….hihihi

leta letijo - iščem stevardeso.....

Jack z Redbulom

a lahko?

Hmmm… Ananasov ni tako slab. Rdeče vino pa samo kuhano (špilferderber 😉 ) :)).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Veliko kavo s smetano? 😉

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Alti, sevad lahko – danes častim. Kar tako, brez posebnega razloga ;).

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Konjak !

Na konju, s konjem? 😉

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Na konju z žrebcem … hehe … ampak danes sem pa res nagravžna ..;)))


_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Ej, ej

Kje se pije??!?!?!?



:))))))))) Danes se več ne pije. 😉

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

Ja, ja…. 😉

_____________________________________________________________________ All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

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