Nenehno mi shranjuje neke mape , ki se shranjujejo pod;
C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTM\Banners in te mape se mi kar nakladajo, ko sem in deskam po spletu!
Vsakič jih je več.. Vem, da jih lahko brišem, kar me resnično zanima je, kako lahko preprečim, da se ne bi tako nalagale, ker niso TEMP, in so s spleta.
Torej kaj naj naredim. Potrebujem vaš nasvet. Ali lahko kje potrdim, da se ne bodo nalagale..
Kaj pa pozarna stena – FIRE WALL, moram to naložit.
In vem,da so to reklame! Kako naj preprečim nalaganje v c – ju.
Živjo Ninca!
Poglej spodaj opis free programčka in če to to, evo ti link do njega:
Download link je pa:
pa klikni tja
ko piše:
Download the Proxomitron with Installer, namreč potem te on vodi z čarovnikom
in se instalira, ostali pa niso instalacijski linki.
Pa seveda ne pozabi potem v browserju povedati, da uporabljaš proxy
nastavitev je za http: localhost port 8080
ta programček je v bistvu web filter in dejansko nee odpira popup oken,
sem “odsurfal” na strani kjer vedno odpira popup okna, sedaj jih ne več.
So, what the heck is a Proxomitron anyway?
Have you ever wished you could turn off some of those fancy new HTML features your web browser supports? Are you tired of pages filled to the brim with blinking banners, pop-up windows, and other such aggravations?
Enter The Proxomitron, Re-Writing the web Your way…
Using special HTML filters, the Proxomitron can transform web pages on the fly – changing most anything you wish. Speed your browsing by saying goodbye to slow loading cyber spam and other web-gimmickry. Customize pages to suit your tastes. Take control of your web viewing, and don’t be slave to some web-master’s whims.
It works with most any browser (not just the big two) and, for starters, can do the following keen things…
Stop or limit Pop-up windows
Control MIDI music and other sounds
Freeze animated .GIFs – load only the first frame
Kill most all advertising banners
Stop Web-Branding and other scripts added by web space providers
Stop Pop-up alert/confirm boxes
Remove slow web counters
Stop web pages and ads from “auto-refreshing”
Remove Dynamic HTML
Prevent getting stuck in someone’s frames
Remove frames or tables altogether for that matter
Kill or change selected Java scripts and applets
Add your own scripts to pages!
Remove or replace web page and/or table background images
Stop Status bar scrollers
Unhide URLs obscured by status line text
Convert blinking text to bold
Remove Layers and Style sheets
Automatically re-write or redirect URLs
Create lists of sites to block or allow
Create similar lists for just about anything else
And as they say, much, much more…
All features can be individually toggled on and off, or limited to specific sites. Better yet, it’s just a taste of what the many included filtering rules can do. You have the freedom to modify the rules or create new, equally powerful, rules of your own! You can add filters or complete configurations created by other Proxomitron users for an ever expaning array of tasks.
The secret life of a web browser revealed!
Not everyone is aware that there’s a hidden conversation going on between your web browser and the sites you visit. Known as HTTP header messages they can contain all sorts of information – some of which you might rather keep to yourself. The Proxomitron not only lets you view all messages, but also lets you alter, add, or delete them. If security is important to you, make it your business to know what your browser is telling the world and have it say only what you want!
Choose your proxy.
If you already use web proxies to speed your internet viewing, the Proxomitron can help here too. It can maintain a list of different proxy servers and allow you to easily switch between them. You can even test proxy servers for accessability and see what, if any, HTTP headers they may add.
What’s it cost?
Nothing – It’s Free…
This isn’t demo-ware! It’s fully functional with no nag screens or time limits – use it as often as you like for as long as you like. Released as ShonenWare, you can support the program’s future development by purchasing any album by the female, Japanese power-trio Shonen Knife! They are an amazing band who’s music I dearly love. By supporting them you not only make me happier, but can perhaps help make the entire world a happier place!
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