Najdi forum

Naslovnica Forum Politični čvek Če boš kdajkoli razkril, kar si odkril, boš izgubil svoj dom, svoje otroke in svojo službo

Če boš kdajkoli razkril, kar si odkril, boš izgubil svoj dom, svoje otroke in svojo službo

0:54 Antifa:

Stand up to racism – Racist Robinson belongs in prison
Oppose Tommy Robinson – Don’t let the racist divide us
Say no to islamofobia
Socialist worker – Refugees welcome – Open the borders – No deportations
Tommy Robinson go to hell, take your nazi mates as well
Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here

0:54 Antifa:

Zoperstavi se rasizmu – rasist Robinson spada v zapor
Nasprotuj Tommyju Robinsonu – Ne pusti, da nas rasizem razdvaja
Reci ne islamofobiji
Socialistični delavec – Begunci dobrodošli – Odprite meje – Ne deportacijam
Tommy Robinson pojdi v pekel, s seboj vzemi svoje naci kolege
Reci jasno, reci glasno, begunci so tu dobrodošli

0:54 Antifa:

Zoperstavi se rasizmu – rasist Robinson spada v zapor
Nasprotuj Tommyju Robinsonu – Ne pusti, da nas rasizem razdvaja
Reci ne islamofobiji
Socialistični delavec – Begunci dobrodošli – Odprite meje – Ne deportacijam
Tommy Robinson pojdi v pekel, s seboj vzemi svoje naci kolege
Reci jasno, reci glasno, begunci so tu dobrodošli
video Daily Mail

“Marxism is the Crystal Meth of the masses” – Shayne Hunter 8 May 2019
Police arrest 40 historic child sex abuse Rotherham

Authorities did little to tackle the abusers or save their young victims from their terrible ordeals, often due to fears over being labelled racist.

The latest arrests are part of the ongoing Operation Stovewood investigation.

What is Operation Stovewood?
The NCA launched Operation Stovewood, at the invitation of South Yorkshire Police, after Professor Alexis Jay’s 2014 report into the rape, grooming and trafficking of hundreds of children in Rotherham.

The Jay Report described how more than 1,400 children had been affected – a figure which was later established to be an underestimate by Operation Stovewood, which has identified 1,523 victims.

It is estimated the operation will cost more than £90 million by 2024 – the date to which current planning extends.


The British towns and cities where Asian sex gangs were exposed


Huddersfield: 20 sex abusers were jailed for grooming vulnerable girls as young as eleven.
The case attracted attention after activist Tommy Robinson was jailed for almost causing one trial to collapse.

ne bom tiho

New Report
