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Splash Forum Koronavirus Francoski zdravnik povedal o testih COVID, da so lažni.

Francoski zdravnik povedal o testih COVID, da so lažni.

Žal ne morem preveriti, za kakšno oddajo se gre (radio, TV, zasebni kanal …). Vsekakor je del pogovora oddaje zanimiv.
Gostiteljica: V zvezi z natančnostjo testov imamo polemiko!
Zdravnik: Da in še slabše od tega. Ali trdno sediš ?
Gostiteljica: Držim se za mizo.
Zdravnik: Moja prijateljica dermatologinja, izjemna ženska, je vzela s svojimi prijatelji nove teste , brez brisov in poslala na analizo
Gostiteljica: Ne boste rekli, da so vsi pozitivni.
Zdravnik: Ja! 😂😂😂😂
Vse v zvezi z covid19 je sramotno za novinarje..zdravnike..politike..da lazejo in manipulirajo s svojim narodom..keteri jim daje kruh da lahko solidno zivijo..sramota ..WHO je povedala koncno resnico o virusu

Le kdo pri nas uvaza teste in kfo se masti?

A ves, koliko zensk lula na palcko, da bi ugotovile, ali so nosece? Po vasi logiki je nosecnost izmisljotina, ce se moras testirat, da ves, sli se je prijelo.

…nasedajo vsaki trapariji.

S tem se pa strinjam.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Če meniš, da se ti godi krivica, ne išči maščevanja, kajti morda je tvoja nesreča le poduk, ki si si ga prislužil za nekaj, kar si spregledal." Eros [psi] st. 345

Test nosečnosti je nekaj čisto drugega kot PCR, ki po avtorjevem navodilu ni namenjen diagnosticiranju respiratornih obolenj! Sigurno nosečnost ne ugotavljajo s PCR testerjem!

Če pa človekki je izumil pcr test pravi da se nebi smel uporabljat za to kaj se uporablja, jaz mu zaupam, sej na koncu koncev on ga je izumil, pa še Nobelovac je…pri meni se tu konča.. ne vem kaj vama ni jasno? Aja, čekate da vam NIJZ to pove, ali pa mainstrem bodo, ker im to ni v interesu..v napači “cerkvi” ste… na koncu nokcev, “cerkve” sploh ne rabite. (tv) not je en vir, imate tudi posnetke, poiščite sami…

Sem te ubogala in pobrskala. In ugotovila, da lažeš, si izmišljuješ in zavajaš glede te “resnice”, ki si jo našel v YT filmčku ali na FB-ju. Ali si pa preprosto neumen in verjameš oslovi senci.

Social media users have been sharing a quote attributed to the inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test, currently being used to detect COVID-19, which says “PCR tests cannot detect free infectious viruses at all”. This quote has been falsely attributed to the inventor, Kary Mullis, and has been taken out of context to falsify its original meaning.

The posts have been shared over 1,000 times on Facebook (here&theater , here , here).

The post begins with the words “COVID-19 TEST a FRAUD?”, then introduces the alleged quote from Mullis, who invented the PCR method in 1985 and was recognized for this achievement by being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 (here).

However, the quote is actually from an article written by John Lauritsen in December 1996 about HIV and AIDS, not COVID-19 (here).

The context around the quote shows Lauritsen is not saying PCR tests do not work. Instead, he is clarifying that PCR identifies substances qualitatively not quantitatively, detecting the genetic sequences of viruses, but not the viruses themselves: “PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.”

The PCR test is the preferred COVID-19 testing method in England ( It detects the presence of the virus by amplifying the virus’genetic material to a point where it can be detected by scientists (

A spokesperson for Public Health England told Reuters why PCR tests are being used widely in England: “Molecular diagnostic tests, such as real-time PCR, are the gold standard methods for identifying individuals with an active viral infection, such as SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19 disease), in their respiratory tract. These tests are rapid and produce results in real-time.

“It is important to note that detecting viral material by PCR does not indicate that the virus is fully intact and infectious, i.e. able to cause infection in other people. The isolation of infectious virus from positive individuals requires virus culture methods. These methods can only be conducted in laboratories with specialist containment facilities and are time consuming and complex.”

False. The quote undermining PCR tests is misattributed to Mullis and taken out of context. PCR tests are being used widely in England to show that SARS-CoV-2 viral genetic material is present in the patient.

tvoja primerjava nima nobene veze z otvoritveno temo, mislim, ne vem kaj se greš no. Če nimaš kaj bolj resnega za napisat, bodi rajši tiho.

tvoja primerjava nima nobene veze z otvoritveno temo, mislim, ne vem kaj se greš no. Če nimaš kaj bolj resnega za napisat, bodi rajši tiho.

V neresni temi nima smisla govoriti resno.

tu imaš imunologa ki isto govori

Ti dam še linov mikrobiologov ki trdijo isto?

koliko dolgo lahko zanika nekdo ne vem, ajde toti kaj so “plačeni da lažejo” njima ne zamerim, ker pač delajo to za zaslužek, čeprav se jaz nebi mogel pogledat v ogledalo..
Ampak če zanikaš toliko tega, te ali se bojiš priznat resnico sam sebi, oz sprejeti jo, ker menja marsikaj…pomeni le da nimaš pogum

Vse se bazira na testih

Da si Lepiš prastare članke, ki so bili že 1000000x ovrženi. Važno je samo, da ti nasede čimmanj ljudi.


Tema tega članka je čisto nekaj drugega, kot si prej trdil z drugim linkom! Zdaj pa ne vem, ali si res tako butast ali pa nimaš pojma, kaj sploh limaš.

Kje te boli, dam puso?

No, si le priznal, da nimaš pojma, o čem sploh govoriš in znaš samo lepit nebuloze. Največji forumski zanikovalec covida je ostal brez gat.

ma ja, hudo te boli.vidim da skačeš na vse moje objave.. lepo, to mi je kompliment…mwa, mwa in se trikrat mwa!

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hehe… kaj pa sedaj? ZDA so septembra najavile ukinitev PCR testa, ker povzroca prevec lazno pozitivnih.

In glejga zlomka! 31.12.2021 so PCR test res umaknili.

In kaj sedaj? Celotna kovidjisterija je zgrajena prav na tes testih. A se bo komu posvetilo kaj pomeni asymptomatic?

V pravopisu pise takole:

    Neither causing nor exhibiting symptoms of disease.
    showing no symptoms of disease.
    Not exhibiting any symptoms of disease

Torej vse bazira na tem?

Mimogrede, omicron do sedaj se ni pospravljal ljudi, na celem svetu.

Gripohin in smrekove vrsicke v vsako slovensko vas…

Vse bazira na  debilnosti in covid podkupninah.

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