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Ikea – baje jo delajo v Celovcu

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IKEA is coming to Klagenfurt
by admin December 7th, 2006 in Economy
The Swedish “furni-giant” IKEA wants to settle in the Carinthian capital of Klagenfurt. The start of construction for the 15.000 square meters large furniture shop should be atumn 2007. The opening ceremony is planned for spring 2008.

IKEA wants to offer 250 new jobs there.

The new furniture shop should be located on the motorway exit Klagenfurt-Nord, in opposite to the Metro market. IKEA also expects a lot of customers from Slovenia and Italy

Hura bo vsaj bliži bomo lohk iz Lj popoldne skočil in zapravlal

Super. Ne bo treba plačevat vinjete in cestnine do Šentilja.

na teletekstu piše naj bi ikeine centre zgradili v slo, hr in srbiji v roku 2-4 let

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