Kaj je to gaslighting in double bind manipulacije?
Eeeeeeee, 18.09.2024 ob 10:53
Wolfgang_van_der_Stille 🐺, 11.06.2024 ob 17:23
gssssss, 18.04.2024 ob 08:22
Če še kdo ne ve in se bi rad seznanil z manipulacijama kot je npr gaslighting in double bind.
psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator
Double bind
a psychological predicament in which a person receives from a single source conflicting messages that allow no appropriate response to be made
Se srečuje kdo z omenjenima vzorcema manipulacije in če da, kako shajate s tem?
Da. V službi. Na srečo (ali pa žal, zaradi neke izkušnje) prepoznavam oziroma ločim, kdaj kdo razmišlja racionalno (zdravo) in kdaj ne (možgani ne delujejo pravilno). Zlasti pa to vem zase. Zato vsi poskusi manipulacije in celo gaslightinga, ki jih doživljam zadnjih nekaj let, zlorabljevalcem ne pomagajo. Se ne zlomim.
Pa ti si taprav borec. Lapo, da si opisla svojo izkušnjo.
Double bind: A sadistic tactic to PUNISH and DISTRESS its target (s) , the narcissist wants the target to fail, so they can feel smug and superior. They put the target through difficult situations/obstacles to see how much the target will take their abuse, and jump through hoops for them. A Double bind is also a tactic to feed the narcissist’s ego, the narcissist does this to feel in control, and to be in the dominate position.
Vedno novi izrazi za stare zadeve. Psihologi pač tržijo tako, da si zmišljujejo vsake nekaj let nove izraze in postavljajo diagnoze. Da bi nekdo načrtno delal družinskega člana norega z namenom okoriščanja (podeduje njegovo nepremičnino, ko ostarelega očeta okliče za dementnega ter o tem prepriča psihologe in psihiatre, da se mu odvzame opravilna sposobnost) se sicer dogaja. Ni pa to tako razpaseno, da bi bilo vsepovsod. Ampak narod pa uporablja to spakedranko (gaslighting) za čisto vsako dejanje nekoga, ki drugega prepričuje, da se niso tako zmenili, kot un drugi pravi. To nima veze s tem terminom. Dajte nehat padat na to zvenečo terminologijo.
Double bind: A sadistic tactic to PUNISH and DISTRESS its target (s) , the narcissist wants the target to fail, so they can feel smug and superior. They put the target through difficult situations/obstacles to see how much the target will take their abuse, and jump through hoops for them. A Double bind is also a tactic to feed the narcissist’s ego, the narcissist does this to feel in control, and to be in the dominate position..