Kulturni: Behind the Scenes
10 Former Internet Trolls Explain Why They Quit Being Jerks
[Patricia Hernandez] For some people, the internet is like the wild west: a lawless play-pen where they can get away with being an asshole to anyone they’d like. You know—trolling.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve collected stories from people who have, at some point during their lives, been trolls. They’ve made it their mission to terrorize other people, though the methods and goals vary from person to person. In their own words, these reformed trolls tell us about their past exploits—and explain why they gave up the troll life. Cela objava >>>
So let me get this clear, nekdo, ki stalno menjava vzdevke druge ljudi označuje za trolle ? Please stop, you’re embarrassing yourself…
kolk si se lepo po lastnih nogicah polulal ☺
kolk si se lepo po lastnih nogicah polulal ☺[/quote]
Ja, res se je polulal :), samo ne vem ali je sadni ali kulturnež ali enostavno ubog ali kaj vem kaj že je. Ko imam pa kar naprej nove nike.
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