Ljudje se ne zavedajo
Večina ljudi se blaženo ne zaveda, da je virolog dr. Stefan Lanka dobil primer na nemškem vrhovnem sodišču glede virusov. Lanka je podelila nagrado v 100,00 evrih, dodeljena vsakomur, ki lahko dokaže, da virusi obstajajo. Drugi znanstvenik je trdil, da izpolnjuje merila, zahteval nagrado, sodišče pa je odločitev razsodil. Odločitev je, da ni bilo dokazov za virus. Lahko si preberete ta odličen kratek povzetek primera in Stefan skupaj z drugimi zdravniki je poudaril, da se dogaja nekaj bolj zlohega. Moja prijateljica Dawn ga je nedavno intervjuval na njenem podcastu.
Most people are blissfully unaware that a Virologist Dr Stefan Lanka won a case in the German Supreme Court regarding viruses. Lanka put up a prize of 100,00 Euros awarded to anyone who can prove viruses exist. Another scientist claimed he had met the criteria, claimed the prize and the court adjudicated the decision. The decision being that no evidence for the virus was there. You can read this excellent short summary of the case and Stefan along with other doctors is pointing out that something more sinister is going on. My friend Dawn recently interviewed him on her podcast.
There is no pandemic if the germ theory were true none of us would have been born it is not true Pasteur admitted to getting it wrong. No Virologist in the world as ever isolated a biological virus as they do not exist they are being imagined by people who have been indoctrinated into the germ theory which was propagated by the Rockefellers.
The onus is on those to prove their claims in this case a killer virus is running amuck on the earth. People like myself who worked and practised natural medicine know and understand that disease is caused by Toxaemia which leads to apoptosis, the death of cells and the cell debris which is inert is what Virologist mistake for the virus this is pure pareidolia and it would be comedy gold if it were not so serious. You then have the psychopaths who have openly stated they will use vaccines to depopulate telling governments to vaccinate the people. You don’t heal the body by putting poison into it you heal it by cleaning it up.