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O ukrepih odloča izključno Počivalšek

Nič več Janša, stroka sploh ne. Kar se odloči Počivalšek, to obvelja. Ker Janša ve, da brez Počivalška nima stolčka.

Bom kar tukajle dodal. Za vse tiste zarotnike katere bo bogec strafal…
Board Member of Large German Health Insurance Company Sounds the Alarm: Side Effects of COVID Vaccines Much Higher Than Official Reports

Član upravnega odbora velike nemške zdravstvene zavarovalnice opozarja na nevarnost: Stranski učinki cepiv COVID so veliko višji od uradnih poročil

An analysis of millions of insured persons’ data from the BKK company health insurance company comes to significantly higher figures for side effects than the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The new data is an “alarm signal,” says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.

For the first time, the figures from a large German health insurance association are available on the side effects of Covid vaccines. The board of directors of BKK ProVita, Andreas Schöfbeck, had the data of millions of insured persons of the BKK group analyzed. The total number of side effects is therefore many times higher than those reported by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). In a video call with WELT, Schöfbeck said on Wednesday: “The numbers determined are significant and urgently need to be checked for plausibility.”

Analiza podatkov o milijonih zavarovancev zdravstvene zavarovalnice BKK Company je pokazala bistveno višje podatke o stranskih učinkih kot Inštitut Paula Ehrlicha. Novi podatki so “alarmni signal”, pravi član upravnega odbora BKK Andreas Schöfbeck.
Prvič so na voljo podatki velike nemške zdravstvene zavarovalnice o stranskih učinkih cepiv Covid. Andreas Schöfbeck, član upravnega odbora družbe BKK ProVita, je dal analizirati podatke o milijonih zavarovancev skupine BKK. Skupno število neželenih učinkov je torej večkrat večje od tistih, o katerih je poročal Inštitut Paula Ehrlicha (PEI). Schöfbeck je v sredo v video pogovoru za WELT povedal: “Ugotovljene številke so pomembne in jih je treba nujno preveriti glede verodostojnosti.”


Board Member of Large German Health Insurance Company Sounds the Alarm: Side Effects of COVID Vaccines Much Higher Than Official Reports

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