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Splash Forum Recepti.Over.Net Prehrana in kulinarika Pindjur (pindžur)

Pindjur (pindžur)

Zanima me, ce ima morda kdo doma recept za pindjur (pindžur).
Ze vnaprej najlepsa hvala za kakrsno koli pomoc.


Živjo, Peter!

Na netu sem našla en sam samcat recept za pindžur (pinjur), upam da je to to. Je pa na žalost v angleščini, upam, da ti le-ta ne dela težav. Dober tek!

This recipe is called “pinjur” (PEEN-jur) and it’s a traditional
Macedonian recipe. It’s easy, nutritious, tasty, and can be found on
everyone’s tables, from the villages scattered throughout the
mountainsides to the capital city.


One large eggplant
2-6 cloves garlic (depending on how strong you like it)
salt (enough to lightly cover the garlic)
handful roughly chopped walnuts

Optional Ingredients:
olive oil
fresh lemon
fresh cilantro

Wash eggplant. Poke holes into it randomly with a fork so it doesn’t
pop on you. Roast the eggplant in the oven until it’s thoroughly
cooked and collapses. (About 30-40 min in a 350 F oven. I like easy
clean-up, so I spread a sheet of aluminium foil over a cookie sheet,
then I don’t have to scrub off any juices that ran off the eggplant
onto my cookware.)

While eggplant is roasting, mash garlic and salt with mortar and
pestle until it becomes pasty.

To cool eggplant quickly, slice in half, and leave draining in the
sink in a colander. When cool, peel the skin off. Chop eggplant into
medium-sized chunks (this will be easy as it’s all mush at this
point). In bowl, combine eggplant and garlic, mashing eggplant and
stirring the garlic throughout. Once nice and consistently mushy,
throw in a handful of chopped walnuts, this adds some crunch and
texture. You can add olive oil, a squeeze of fresh lemon, and even
cilantro if you want to “gourmet” it up a little, but the traditional
way is just as yummy.

Še malo sem pobrskala… dodajam še par receptov…


Ingredients (4 servings):

1 kg tomatoes
700 gr. fresh green bell peppers
2 large eggplants
2 tbsp. salt
4 clove garlic minced, (or 1/2 tsp garlic powder)
50 gr preheated cooking oil


Baked pindzhur
Conventional Oven. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Put all ingredients onto a baking pan. Bake uncovered at 300 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes. Cool slightly. Peel and chop all ingredients. Put everything in a mixing bowl and stir. Add salt and garlic and mix well. Before serving preheat cooking oil. Place the mixture in a serving bowl, pour oil and stir.


Stir-fried pindzhur
Peel cucumbers and tomatoes. Chop all ingredients. Meanwhile preheat the oil in the large saucepan. Put chopped bell peppers in the saucepan. Stir-fry over high heat until peppers are tender, but not brown. Add eggplant pieces and stir. Stir-fry over high heat until eggplant is tender. Add chopped tomatoes, and stir-fry for 5 minutes. Add salt and garlic and mix well.

Pour hot in the serving dish. Serve immediately.


Pindjur salata

Potrebno je:
– 1 kg paradajza, 1 kg paprika, 500 g plavog paradajza
– 1 glavica belog luka, persunov list, ulje
– so, biber
Ispeci paprike, paradajz i plavi paradajz oljustiti ocistiti semenke i samleti na masinici za meso. Mlevenu masu staviti u serpu, preliti je uljem i dodati sitno seckan beli luk. Posoliti, pobiberiti, pa dinstati dok se masa ne zgusne. Ohladiti i servirati sa posutim persunovim listom. Ovako pripremljena salata moze se sluziti uz vise ruckova.

Hojla Ines!

Za tvojo izdatno pomoc se ti najlepše zahvaljujem. Res si se izjemno potrudila in si mi zelo pomagala. Tudi tebi zelim veliko uspeha pri ustvarjanju kuharskih mojstrovin. Še naprej ti želim prijeten vikend.
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