PMS – deprim?
Punce prosim pomoč.
Teden dni pred menstruacijo se moje psihično stanje spravi na nulo. Takrat sem razdražljiva, nesramna, zamorjena, fizično napadalna, obupno hudobna,……. skratka z eno besedo KATASTROFALANA.
Na sosednjem forumu sem brala, da nekaterim med tem časom pomaga Deprim.
Kaj vi mislite?
Kako naj si pomagam, ne želim pa si Deprima jemati vsak dan. Ali deluje tudi, če ga vzamem samo nekaj dni zapored potem pa do naslednjega meseca preneham?
Punce pomagajte mi, ker jaz sem v času PMS tako agresivna, da bi se še tepla, če bi mi kdo držal.
Lep večer
Če se prav spomnim, je to eno blago pomirjevalo na bazi hmelja pa nekaj, kar izboljšuje razpoloženje (proti depresiji) tako da ni kakšna “ubijalska” zadeva, je na osnovi zelišč. Podobno kot persen. Ampak glave ne bi šla stavit, ga je jemala stara mama, ki je že 10 let pokojna. Najbolje ti bodo svetovali v lekarni.
A si ti težave kdaj ginekologu omenila?
Haj! Jaz ga jemljem že dolgo časa! Sploh pred menstruacijo in, ker sem strašno občutljiva za vremenske spremembe (migrena). So čisto nenevarne tablete, saj so zeliščne, na osnovi šentjanževke! Jaz jih imam vedno pri sebi.
Lahko pa se pozanimaš še v lekarni. Edino kar je, ko jih jemlješ, se ne smeš izpostavljat soncu -sploh poleti; ker dobiš izpuščaje. Zakaj? Pojma nimam; baje pride do neke reakcije.
punce, depresijo in pms lahko zmanjšate s pravilno prehrano.
predvsem je treba jesti hrano bogato s kalcijem, magnezijem, vitaminom B6, E in cinkom.
če znate brati angleško:
Studies have shown that nutritional factors can influence the severity of symptoms associated with Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Foods high in calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin E, and zinc may alleviate PMS-induced depression, breast tenderness, moodiness, headaches, abdominal cramping, and insomnia.
We believe that it’s possible to manage and/or improve certain conditions through what you eat. When we create “Mega-Recipes” for an ailment, we strive to include the maximum number of the nutrients that are shown to have benefit for that ailment. We also expect the Mega-Recipe to contain at least 25{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of recommended intakes for those nutrients. See the list of recipes that have met our criteria for this ailment.
What You Should Eat & Why
Calcium has been shown to reduce abdominal cramping and muscular contractions resulting from PMS.
Leading Food Sources of calcium: Broccoli, Bok choy, Milk, Amaranth, Salmon, Kale, Beans, dried, Cheese, fresh, Tofu, Soybeans, Yogurt
A diet that is high in magnesium is recommended for women prone to PMS because some studies indicate that chronic intracellular magnesium depletion can cause symptoms of PMS.
Leading Food Sources of magnesium: Spinach, Avocados, Barley, Chocolate, Pumpkin seeds, Oysters, Sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Almonds
vitamin B6
Foods high in vitamin B6 may reduce depression from PMS. Some studies have shown that vitamin B6 increases the accumulation of magnesium within the cells of the body. When paired with foods high in magnesium, foods containing B6 can reduce vulnerability to mood changes during the menstrual cycle.
Leading Food Sources of vitamin B6: Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Mangoes, Rice, brown, Sunflower seeds, Tuna, Chick-peas, Salmon, Pork, fresh, Potatoes, Turkey, Chicken, Bok choy, Barley, Avocados
vitamin E
Foods high in vitamin E may help to reduce PMS related breast tenderness, nervousness, depression, headache, fatigue, and insomnia.
Leading Food Sources of vitamin E: Broccoli, Almonds, Sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, Peanuts, Mangoes, Avocados
Low zinc levels in women prone to PMS suggest that a diet rich in this important mineral may prevent PMS symptoms.
Leading Food Sources of zinc: Barley, Crab, Oysters, Beef, Lamb, Wheat, Chicken, Turkey
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