Podpisi v programih
‘ čer.
Svoje čase sem vedel, kako v Word 97 prideš z kominacijo teksta in določenih ukazov do tega, da si igral čisto enostavno igrico – podpis avtorjev programa. Ali kdo od tukaj prisotnih pozna kakšne podobne zadeve v Office 2000 ali v drugih programih?
Under file menu, do ‘Save as Web Page’
Say ‘Publish Sheet’ and ‘Add Interactivity’
Save to some htm page on your drive.
Load the htm page with IE. You should have Excel in the middle of the page.
Scroll to row 2000, column WC. Select row 2000, and tab so that WC is the active column.
Hold down Shift+Crtl+Alt nad click the Office logo in the upper-left.
If you have DirectX, you will be playing what looks like spy hunter. Use the arrow keys to drive, space to fire, O to drop oil slicks, and when it gets dark, use H for your headlights.
1. Open Excel 2000.
2. Go to File, Save as Web Page.
3. Then Click Publish.
4. Check the little box that says “Add Interactively With”
5. Click Publish.
6. Close Excel.
7. Open IE
8. Click File,Open, Browse.
9. Go to where you saved it and click open
10. Now you should be looking at a spreadsheet.
11. Go all the way to row 2000.
12. Click column A and drag all the way to column ZZ
13. Hit Tab and it should take you back to A.
14. Hold Tab all the way to WC. When you get there make sure WC is a white box and all the others are green
15. Hold ctrl + alt + shift and left click on the four puzzle piece thing (The MS Excel Logo) in the upper left hand corner.
Easter Egg:
1. Open Microsoft Word2000
2. Press F1 or click the “Office Assistant” button
3. Under the “What would you like to do?”, type “Cast” (No quotes)
4. Click SEARCH
6. Click the graphic in the Microsoft Word Help screen
For other languages try translating the word ‘credit’ in your own language, for instance ‘krediet’ works if your word version is Dutch.
BUT when you are playing minesweeper and hit the escape key, your time freezes in the game and you will always have the best time score.
Windows 200 installed….
Easter Egg:
The teapots in the 3D Pipes screen saver from Win95 and NT still work:
1. Change your screen saver to 3D Pipes(OpenGL).
2. click Settings
3. Change the settings to Multiple Pipes, Traditional joints, with Mixed joint type. Set the resolution to max.
4. Click OK
5. Watch
Every now and again, a teapot is displayed instead of the normal ball joint at the corner of a pipe.
Not really a new egg, but it works better than the volcano one 🙂
I think it’s amazing.
Ne da se mi več cut&paste, evo vam link pa delajte sami.
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