pomoč pri angleščini

ful bi bila hvaležna če bi mi kdo pregledal to besedilo in poprevil napake. doma nemorem nikogar vprašati jaz pa tudi naznam prav dobro angleščine.hvala.
Mill on the Floss is a very sad story of a joung woman, Maggie Tulliver, who lives in a small English village. She must choose between her family and the man she loves. She is very unhappy becouse she doesn’t know what to do.
When Maggie was little she loved to play with her brother Tom. They lived with theirs parents and they had a mill. They were very happy family. Tom went to school and Maggie has been visitig him sometimes. there she had a friend named Phillip and they were in love. When she was thirteen years old her father lost the case on the court and they lost a mill. The man who took the mill was Phillip’s father, Mr Wakem. They were poor now and Maggie and Tom had to grown up quickly. Maggie and Phillip were meeting in the woods, always secretly. Their love grew. When Tom found out this Maggie had to promised thet she wont see him again. Few mounths later Mr Tulliver died. Maggie lived with her cousin Lucy. Phillip was Lucy’s friend and they saw each other every day. Their love grew again. Lucy’s boyfriend fell in love with Maggie and he wanted to run away with her. She did’n agree with him so he (ugrabiti) her. When she escaped and came home everybody hated her becouse they tought they were lovers. Even Tom hated her. Maggie’s life had (sesuti se). One night while she was sitting in her badroom in the room came wather. A flood! She went to Tom to save him but they died.
Maggie:she was a very difficult child but she loved her brother very much. She would do anything for him. Even (žrtvovati) her love. (skozi) story she changed a lot.

1. odstavek, 3. vrstica: because (ne becouse)
2. odst., 2. vrst.: their (ne theirs), + bolje bi se slišalo: they lived with their parents who owned a mill.
Naslednji stavek: a very happy family.
Naslednji stavek: T. went to school and M. visited him sometimes.
4. vrstica: a case (namesto the case)
7. vrstica: bolje bi se slišalo: When T. found out about them, Maggie had to promise that she won’t see him again.
Naslednji stavek: months (ne mounths)
Naslednji stavek: M. was living with…
11. vrstica: She didn’t agree with him, so he kidnaped her.
13. vrstica: M. life was ruined.
Ne vem, kaj hočeš povedati z naslednjo vrstico. In ni badroom, ampak bedroom.
Zadnja vrstica: Even sacrifice her love. Throughout the story she changed a lot.
Toliko na hitro.