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Pospravljanje: nedelja

Danes je nedelja in menda ers ne bomo psopravljale, kanje!

Edino, kar bomo naredile je naslednje:

V kopalnici preglejmo zaloge toaletnega papirja, mila, zobne kreme … in če nam česa zmanjkuje, napišimo na nakupovalni listek.

Ker nam bo nekaj časa še ostalo, bomo v petih minutah pospravile vsaj nekaj stvari v najbolj razmetanem prostoru stanovanja.


Vseeno pa ostane tisto:

– družinski 2 minuti
– pomivalno korito v kuhinji
– pospraviti “vroče cone” (časopisi, revije, prazne plastenke za vodo, mleko….)
– perilo



Še nekaj vprašanj:

1. Kdaj ste nazadnje pospravile torbice, nahrbtnike, otroške torbe?
2. Kako izgleda vaš avto? Imate morda v njem “neznane leteče predmete”, ki lahko postanejo nevarni ob morebitnem karambolu? Ali padajo ven, ko odprete vrata vozila?
3. Razglejte se po stanovanju in se odločite, katerih 27 stvari lahko pogrešate in jih (najbolje takoj) vržete v neprozorno vrečo za smeti. Neprozorna mora biti zato, ker v vrečo nikakor ne smete pogledati. Ko je stvar enkrat v vreči, naj tam tudi ostane! :))

Vse to lahko pustite za ponedeljek. Če se vam ljubi, potem naredite to takoj!


Še original:

Back in the bathroom again! Your mission for today is to check the supplies that are needed in your bathroom.

Do you need toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, soap etc.
Add these to your shopping list this week. Take a visual inventory to make sure you have what you need so one of your family members are not stuck in the bathroom yelling for toilet paper, nothing says “I Love You” like plenty of toilet paper! LOL!

These things are so easy to forget until you are standing in the shower with no soap! Get a list ready for your next errand day.

Have fun and don’t obsess, just one babystep at a time!


Go into the messiest room in your home and spend 5 minutes putting away and bagging up to give away.

I am so proud of you!

Your forgotten room did not get dirty in a day and it is not going to get clean over night. Take 5 minutes and do just a little!

When was the last time you cleaned out your purse? Take 5 minutes and toss out the trash, apples, and candy wrappers. LOL File the receipts in your 2004 Manilla envelope.

Just how much does that thing weigh anyhow? Is it hurting your shoulder to carry it? It may be time to change to a smaller bag.

You can do this!

We can FLY higher if we dump the excess purse weight!

Dont forget those diaper bags and strollers either!! Who knows what is lurking in there!

Also for you Payroll SHEs; Boogie those brief cases!

For you guys out there and young people: Boogie those back packs and wallets.


Do you have room for your children?

Check your childrens’ car seats to make sure they are securely fastened to the seat.

Do you have UFOs that could become a hazard if you had an accident? Clean them out.

Does stuff fall out when you open the door?

Do you smell something bad and can’t find it?

Are there 2 changes of clothes and a couple of sweaters in your car?

Do you still have boxes of 27 fling boogie give-a-way items waiting to be dropped off?

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Let’s go out there and empty our cars. Drop off the stuff that needs to be given away.


Tale z vrečo je dobra. No, jaz vas lovim, žal mi je ostalo še pomivanje tal, pa bom danes postorila. Zdajle se mi ne da, ko pa vstanem pa ziher. Ker mi ne bo treba kuhat, bom lahko še kaj pospravila. In z lahkoto najdem 27 stvari, pa še več.

Hvala, ker pišeš “delovni urnik”.

Jaz sem tudi malce zadaj ostala in bo treba danes tista tla pomiti (na srečo je mož včeraj vsaj vse posesal:))).

Jaz sicer že kako leto dobivam maile FlyLady, pa se mi do sedaj nekako ni sešlo. Takole skupinsko se mi zdi kar malo lažje (ha, ha – očitno ovca, a?)

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