Pospravljanje: ponedeljek!
Ta teden bomo pospravljale spalnico.
Danes preživite 15 minut pod posteljo…..
Morda 15 minut ne bo dovolj, toda za danes bo dovolj.
Če pod posteljo ni ničesar, vzemite metlo ali sesalec in očistite “mucke”, ki se množijo tam.
Lepo se imejte ….
PS: Ne pozabite na dnevni “dril”
Dear Friends,
This week we are in the Master Bedroom, today I want you to spend 15 minutes under your bed! LOL! Take this time to get the things out from under the bed that you have shoved under there during a mad stash and dash through the house.
15 minutes might not be enough, but for today **** try to put a dent in the stuff that you have put there. Things that **** don’t belong. If you don’t have anything under your bed, then grab a vacuum cleaner or broom and get the dust bunnies that have been multiplying under there.
Have fun with this, **** 15 minutes, set your timer and go go go!