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Splash Forum Starševski čvek Pospravljanje: sreda

Pospravljanje: sreda

Danes bomo v spalnici naredile nekaj, kar že zelo dolgo nismo,

Pospravile bomo nočne omarice. Poberite prtičke, kozarce, robčke …. vzemite krpo in obrišite prah. Postavite na omarico kakšno lepo svečko ali slikico. Ni pomembno kaj, pomembno je da bo nekaj novega in nekaj kar vam je všeč.
Ko se boste zjutraj zbudile, vam bo pogled na lepe stvari naredil dan lepši.

Če imate posebno lepe rjuhe in posteljnino, se prepričajte da je oprana in suha, ter pripravljena za menjavo v petek.


PS: vsak dan obvezne 4 naloge !!!


Dear Friends,

It is anti-procrastination day and we are going to clean off the nightstands!! Get the tissues, cups and stuff that has piled up, toss and put away. The grab a feather duster or dust rag and dust the surface. Place a pretty candle or picture there. Something that is new to that spot that you love to see.

Waking up and not seeing a pile of things on the nightstand and a pile of clothes will make your morning a little brighter!


PS : If you have some extra pretty, nice sheets for your bed, make sure they are washed and ready for Friday’s mission. This means pillow cases and blankets also.

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