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Pravna mreža za demokracijo

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Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
Muka lesec, 21.02.2023 ob 06:30

Tako se nekako imenuje skupina katara je spisala famozni neustavni zakon o RTV.

Da je neustaven to z veliko verjetnostjo že lahko trdimo.

Kako je možno da diplomiranci nimajo toliko znanja da bi sami znali oceniti kaj bo in kaj ne bo ustavno ?

Je mar naša pravna fakulteta res tako zanič da skozi spušča take slabe pravnike ?

Podpora vladi pa še kar pada…

V Sloveniji pravno področje obvladujejo levičarji, od katerih jih je 90% popolnoma nesposobnih.


In potem skušajo ti levi luzerji in levi mediji diskreditirati ddr. Jakliča, ki je 5 razredov nad njimi. Harvard predavatelj pa to.

Vestibular therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy designed to alleviate dizziness, vertigo, and balance disorders stemming from issues in the vestibular system. Located in the inner ear, this system plays a critical role in maintaining equilibrium, spatial orientation, and coordination. When disrupted, it can lead to symptoms such as unsteadiness, nausea, and difficulty with movement.


As the weather gets colder, we all know that flu and cold season is upon us. These illnesses can really take a toll on our health, making us feel sluggish and unwell. But it’s important to remember that with proper care, rest, and hydration, most people recover fairly quickly. Typhoid is another serious illness, which can often be linked to contaminated water or food. It’s essential to stay cautious and ensure we follow proper hygiene practices, like washing our hands frequently and drinking clean, boiled water.

]Staying healthy during these seasons is all about taking small steps: getting enough rest, eating nourishing foods, and seeking medical attention Visit on Unlock the spike mod no ban( for more.

Eviction Attorneys The Law Office of Michael T. Dwan provides help to landlords looking to handle the eviction process as quickly and efficiently as possible. Charging a flat fee that includes all court filing fees, process service fees, and litigation, Dwan Legal has 20 years of experience in Western New York Eviction Law.

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