
Superia Reala
Superia Reala is a premium ISO 100 Film for photographing people and special occasions, or for images intended for portraits or enlargements. It offers the finest and smoothest grain of all Superia Films, and produces beautiful, natural skin tones and rich textures.
* A Premium ISO 100 Film
* Smooth, Extra-Fine Grain
* Extraordinary Color Accuracy
* 4th Color Layer Technology
o Patented 4th color-sensitive emulsion layer
o Offers exceptionally faithful color
o Captures true color even under fluorescent lights
o Dramatic improvements in green end of spectrum
* Superior Granularity and Sharpness
* Versatility
o Performs well under various light sources
Fujicolor Superia:
Enjoy exceptional true-to-life colors and enhanced sharpness from Fujicolor Superia 100, a general- purpose Film that’s perfect for outdoor use.
# Great for Outdoor Photography
# 4th Color Layer Technology
* Patented 4th color-sensitive emulsion layer
* Offers exceptionally faithful color
* Captures true color even under fluorescent lights
* Dramatic improvements in green end of spectrum
# Two-Stage Timing DIR Couplers
* Improve color brilliance
* Enhance edges for outstanding sharpness
* Vastly improve rendition of reds and purples

Reala ti nic ne pomaga, ce fotograf nima stroja nastavljenega za ta film. Lahko se ti zgodi, da bo rezultat celo bistveno slabsi kot s superio. In velika vecina fotografov ima stroje nastimane samo na par najbolj pogostih filmov, ki jih uporabljajo amaterji. Najbolje, da vprasas, preden das film razvit. Ce bodo zaceli mutit ali pa jim sploh ne bo jasno, kaj si vprasal, je najbolje, da se zavrtis za 180 stopinj in cimprej zapustis tak lokal.