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Toda, ko začnem brati in kliknem “Pojdi na vrh (kazalo)”, se pa označijo VSE teme kot neprebrane (novo) in med naslovno vrstico in seznamom forumov, se pokaže :
Verjetno bo tole iz naslova
Internet Explorer sometimes loses the first 2048 bytes of data that are sent back by Web Servers that use HTTP compression, – Microsoft confirms for MSIE 5.5 in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article – Q313712 ().
The similiar statement about MSIE 6.0 is confirmed in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article – Q312496.
In accordance with Q313712 and Q312496, these bugs affect transmissions through
and special patches for MSIE-5.5 and MSIE-6.0 were published on Internet.
Microsoft has confirmed that this was a problem in the Microsoft products. Microsoft states that this problem was first corrected in Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1.