Reformacija in razsvetljenstvo ….
Kwa je. Tudi jaz ne vem, kdo bi bil tisti whitehouser!
Bog ve, če ni naša Nikitka skočila tja gor višje, saj
reference je imela, a ne? Jest nisem, res ne, bog mi
pomagej, res ne.
Mene zanima, kje hodi naš Krt?? Sem se čustveno navezala nanj in bi hodila z njim po rovčkih, bemtiš!
Waht can Osama think, jebemti, you must ask:
Waht think our gmajna? We are going wiht you,
isuse, we must be together! Are you thnik, that
Osama Bin had a real reasons to be alone with you,
a, you, Bush bushasti? Sorry, Osama is in our prisons!
Shur a would, ti bizgec, shour de!
Osama is our best friend and we are not leave
him alone in your house, bizgec! There you are
frderbati ga, we know that and we now how,