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Reformacija in razsvetljenstvo ….

A mate v texasu tud kej rdečih …. škorencov 🙂

Čuj, da ti fino kažem.. nema slovenački brendy…. ziher :))))

Jani bi zapel eno slovensko junaško pesem…. pa niso še nobene napisali :)))))))))))

well, I think I told Osama before, I can not understand this funny slovenian language at all, so please be kind and do speak in words I can understand !

But so far I learned some things, some words, and I will learn more I promice .

snops ……… hahaha …. …… I do understand this !!!!!


Well, I didn’t like much a landscape there, anyway.

And if I remind myself on those stinky prest’s you have there, I get sad.

Eat them alone, you waco !!

o Bruce, as I remember, you had a great time while were my guest !!!!

I can tell you’re a kind man, so please tell me where Osama is hiding?


In words you understand?

Witch word’s do you like to learn first?

That little thiny thing you have in your pant’s, we call – KURAC

That notthiness in your head is called – PAMET

It’s allready too much for a start, for brain like yours!

hehehsploh več ne štejem..madona Marija res trenajo..kdaj bom k seb prišla,sam boh ve!!??


Well, find him, you ass hole !

Kwa je. Tudi jaz ne vem, kdo bi bil tisti whitehouser!
Bog ve, če ni naša Nikitka skočila tja gor višje, saj
reference je imela, a ne? Jest nisem, res ne, bog mi
pomagej, res ne.

Mene zanima, kje hodi naš Krt?? Sem se čustveno navezala nanj in bi hodila z njim po rovčkih, bemtiš!


Mariči --------------------------------------------------------------- Danes sem kradla čas. Ne počutim se krive. Srečna sem, ker to še znam. (po R.Kerševanu)

Well, I was hoping you will keep your mouth shut about those drugs we smoke and slut’s we……….

O YESSSSS, I already thought, that your sence of humor is gone .

This is Bruce I know !!!!!


now Bruce !!! watch your language !!!

O madona… vidi ti njega… jest naj bi znal vse in ingliš… ajde Đorđe Maroje.. pričaj ti na naški, da te razumije cijeli svijet :))))))))

Jani pa glih nima volje na Ingleze tole rihtat….. :)))) Osama prav, da nima cajta

lesson 2:

cajt…. this is what you call the time

no brandy?

what than ? šnjaps ? šlivovic?

whatever, Mr. Oladen has no permission to drink at all ! So, never mind .

Where is he?


Hey George, I sugest we, ups, did’ it again !!

What do you say?

This time at my place?

Bruce .. if my friend Osama will come … I will too !!!!!!!!! And we’ll say some mens stuff, and try some snaps !!


aj mast apolođajs, bikoz… det damn Buš.. vat kan ju dan vith maj haus…. AGAIIIIIIIIIN….. demn demn Buš…. And aj mast to hajd alahu mu.. Dets de rizn way ajm not here….

Osama looking for nju houm… Buš, giv mi en haus!!!


Come here, let me hug you and give you one big kiss .

I’m inviting you to my Texas Ranch . And than we’ll go together to Bruses home. Wht do you think?


Waht can Osama think, jebemti, you must ask:
Waht think our gmajna? We are going wiht you,
isuse, we must be together! Are you thnik, that
Osama Bin had a real reasons to be alone with you,
a, you, Bush bushasti? Sorry, Osama is in our prisons!


Mariči --------------------------------------------------------------- Danes sem kradla čas. Ne počutim se krive. Srečna sem, ker to še znam. (po R.Kerševanu)

Oh Mary, would you like to come to?

Osama … is this true?

They keeping you in preason??????

O damn Bušman… aj mast told you, that aj only kiss a vuman.. not man.. baaaaad….. So.. aj’ll be veri glad to kiss your wife… huhu.. ahmeta mu..

And .. giv mi jor haus..

Shur a would, ti bizgec, shour de!
Osama is our best friend and we are not leave
him alone in your house, bizgec! There you are
frderbati ga, we know that and we now how,

Mariči --------------------------------------------------------------- Danes sem kradla čas. Ne počutim se krive. Srečna sem, ker to še znam. (po R.Kerševanu)

I can give you my wife if you want to, but house …… hahahahaha , no, not my house !!!

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