Sestavine cepiva Astra Zenica proti covidu
Helsinška komisija verjetno potrdila, da Pfizer izvaja neodobrene eksperimente
Izraelske časnike je poplavila novica, da bo Helsinška komisija verjetno potrdila, da Pfizer izvaja neodobrene eksperimente na ljudeh. Prejšnji teden je namreč predsednik vlade Ehud Barak namignil, da Pfizer in druga farmacevtska podjetja izrabljajo izraelske državljane za testne subjekte za cepivo proti COVID-19. (
To potrjuje tudi pogodba, ki jo je Izrael podpisal s podjetjem Pfizer.
Višja odvetnica Izraelskega inštituta za demokracijo dr. Tehila Schwartz-Altshuler je Calcalistu dejala: “Kdor lahko trdi, da to ni klinična študija, je preprosto lažnivec. To je najobsežnejša študija na človeških bitjih v 21. stoletju. Izrael postaja eksperimentalno polje, da ne rečem dvorišče za ves svet. Morda je to čudovita in altruistična stvar, vendar bi to morali deliti z izraelskimi državljani. ” ( Pogodba namreč pravi, da bo podjetje zbiralo in analiziralo podatke o cepljenjih. V kolikor bi se ugotovilo, da je študija ”znanstveno nepomembna”, lahko pogodbo prekinejo.
Za evropski trgi se je oglasila francoska evroposlanka Zelenih, Michele Rivasi, ki je prebrala pogodbo za ”cepivo” Curevac. Pogodba je dostopna v Bruslju, v eni sami sobi, polna cenzure in zakritih podatkov. V dokumentu nikjer ni omenjeno, kdo prevzame odgovornost za možne stranske učinke, o cenah ni nič, o proizvodnji nič.
Cene je na tweeterju decembra lani slučajno izdala belgijska podsekretarka Eva de Bleeker, a ga je zelo hitro objavil flamski časnik, kljub temu, da je bil tweet hitro izbrisan.
Pfizer-BionTech 12 eur na dozo
Moderna 14,7 eur na dozo
Oxford/Astra-Zeneca 1,78 eur na dozo
Curevac 10 eur
Sanofi/GSK 7,56 eur
Johnson&Johnson 7 eur
Poleg tega je EMA (evropska agencija za zdravila) decembra lani doživela vdor v svoj strežnik in v začetku januarja so ukradeni dokumenti prišli v javnost. Hekerji so zapisali, da je Pfizerjevo cepivo ”neverjetna prevara”, saj naj ne bi imelo takšne učinkovitosti, kot so jo predstavili javnosti. (
Pomnimo, da je varnost pacientov na prvem mestu, a očitno na to nekateri pozabljajo. Tukaj si lahko preberete več o mednarodnih konvencijah v biomedicinskih raziskavah, kliničnih testih, itd.
Is the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine against COVID-19 an “incredible fraud” ” A group of hackers has just published stolen data to the European Medicines Agency, and denounces the two pharmaceutical companies…
In December 2020, a group of hackers announced that they had managed to steal data related to Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine. These regulatory documents had been stolen from the servers of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
Now, cybercriminals have just published the stolen data on the web. On various forums there are links to download content. The folder includes e-mails, AEM evaluations, and Word, PDF and PowerPoint documents.
According to hackers, Pfizer and BioNTech are guilty of “incredible fraud.” This data leak would be intended to demonstrate that the vaccine is far from as effective as advertised against COVID-19.
For now, however, no compromising revelations appear to have emerged from the published documents. Anyway, the leak happened less than 24 hours ago. If the data really discredits the vaccine, it will probably take a few days to find out.
Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine against COVID-19: an effectiveness of only 19{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} instead of the 95{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} advertised ?
As a reminder, the BNT162b2 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech is one of the candidates against COVID-19. It is an mRNA type vaccine. It has already been approved by many countries including the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Israel.
According to its creators, this vaccine offers “a 95{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} effectiveness against COVID-19” “ It would also be able to “neutralize” the new British and South American variants of the virus.
However, this effectiveness is questioned by Peter Doshi, a researcher at the University of Maryland. In an article published on January 4, 2020 in the British newspaper The BMJ, the expert criticizes the method used by Pfizer to measure the performance of its vaccine.
Indeed, the US pharmaceutical giant claimed to have discovered 170 COVID-19 cases confirmed by PCR test during phase III of its clinical trials, and 3410 suspicious cases. However, if these suspected cases are taken into account to measure the effectiveness of the vaccine, it falls to only 19{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} instead of the 95{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} announced.
Even without taking into account cases confirmed within seven days of vaccination, the effectiveness rate remains at only 29{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}. Doshi also blames Pfizer for not taking into account the influence of possible drugs on the effectiveness of the vaccine…
Peter Doshi’s criticism has sparked a heated debate on social media, particularly in China. Many experts believe that the measurement method of this American researcher is wrong, since it takes into account all participants with symptoms as if they were confirmed COVID-19 cases (even in case of negative PCR test).
Anyway, many scientists agree that Pfizer should provide more raw data on its vaccine. This would allow for a better analysis of the vaccine and its effectiveness, including the exclusion of environmental parameters.
Pfizer: pharmaceutical giant repeatedly convicted
In the past, Pfizer has been repeatedly convicted by the courts. In 2009, the pharmaceutical firm paid a record $ 2.3 billion fine for bribing doctors to prescribe overdosed or counter-employment drugs.
More recently, in 2016, the company had to pay $ 107 million in the UK for increasing the price of the antiepileptic drug Epanutin by more than 2600{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}. It is therefore clear that Pfizer would not be at its first fraud if the COVID vaccine proves to be less effective than advertised…
If the stolen data published by hackers does indeed contain elements discrediting the BNT162b2 vaccine, this will undoubtedly be revealed very soon. So it remains only to wait to find out if this vaccine is a real hope to get out of the pandemic, or a desperate scam orchestrated by an unscrupulous pharmaceutical giant wishing to take advantage of the crisis…
Evo vse sem vam prevedel v angleščino. Še sreča, da gre cepljenje tako počasi. Morda še koga uspemo spametovati preden naredi usodno napako in se gre cepit!
Gibco® 293-H cells were cloned from the original 293 cell line and adapted to Gibco® CD 293 Medium. The 293 cell line is a permanent line established from primary embryonic human kidney and transformed with sheared human adenovirus type 5 DNA. The E1A adenovirus gene is expressed in these cells and participates in transactivation of some viral promoters, allowing these cells to produce very high levels of protein. Gibco® 293-H cells in Gibco® CD 293 Medium feature:
• Quick thaw into suspension culture directly in Gibco® CD 293 Medium or Gibco® 293 SFM II
• Faster growth, good adherence, superior transfection efficiencies and high protein expression levels
• Documented lineage from a low passage Master Cell Bank
• Quality and performance testing
Quick thaw into suspension culture directly in Gibco® CD 293 Medium or Gibco® 293 SFM II
Each vial containing 7.5 × 106 cells can be thawed directly into suspension culture in either Gibco® CD 293 Medium or Gibco® 293 SFM II supplemented with 4 mM L-glutamine or GlutaMAX™ reagent. Protocols are provided in the product manual.
Faster growth, good adherence, superior transfection efficiencies and high protein expression levels
Gibco® 293-H cells were prepared from a clone selected for fast growth in serum-free medium, good adherence during plaque assays, superior transfection efficiencies and a high level of protein expression. Optimal transfection efficiencies are obtained with Lipofectamine™ 2000 or 293fectin™ transfection reagents.
Documented lineage from a low passage Master Cell Bank
The parental 293 cells were cloned by limiting dilution; the clone selected exhibited fast growth and high transfection efficiency. This clone was then re-cloned by limiting dilution; of these clones, the 293-H clone was then selected for its good adherence during plaque assays. The serum-free Master Cell Banks were prepared at approximately passage 25.
Quality and performance testing
Each lot of Gibco® 293 H cells is tested for cell growth and viability post-recovery from cryopreservation. In addition, the Master Seed Bank has been tested for contamination of bacteria, yeast, mycoplasma and virus and has been characterized by isozyme and karyotype analysis.
Product Use
For Research Use Only. Not for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use. Caution: Handle as potentially biohazardous material under at least Biosafety Level 2 containment. This product contains Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO), a hazardous material. Review the Material Safety Data Sheet before handling.
HEK 293 cells were generated in 1973 by transfection of cultures of normal human embryonic kidney cells with sheared adenovirus 5 DNA in Alex van der Eb’s laboratory in Leiden, the Netherlands. The cells were obtained from a single, healthy fetus, the precise origin of which is unclear. Vejo pa da je bil zdrav?
Pridi k meni mam jaz cepivo za tebe ,vsega te reši, mamicu ti tvou jeb-em podgano usrana smrdljiva.
Cepivo že imam, ne moreš spolnodnosati niti ovce, podgani si pa, po slikah sodeč, bolj podoben kar sam. Pa majmunu seveda. Pa ravno pohvalil sem te v drugi temi, očitno prezgodaj, pelikan.
Med 14. decembrom in 26. februarjem je bilo v ZDA po cepljenju 25 212 prijavljenih stranskih učinkov. Od tega 1265 smrti in 4424 resnih poškodb.
Skupno so v ZDA cepili 70.45 milijonov ljudi
47 {04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} smrti pa je nastopilo v 48 urah po cepljenju. Ta trend ostaja konsistenten.
To je le Amerika, in to so le prijavljeni.
Mnogi pa niti ne vedo da obstaja Vaers
Srečno podgano umazana, cepi se u dupe.. Majmun je bolj pameten kot ti.
Zakaj pa v dupe, če se v ramo? Ti si pa res nepraktičen. Ne izkazuješ kakšnega psoebnega, mene presegajočega intelekta, pavijan. Ok, imaš bolj potlačeno surlo, si potem tista afna, ki zgleda, kot da ima sploščen koorac na faci.
Ti bomo dali opanke z vibram podplatom, pa boš varuh južne meje, razen če si hrovatsko lice, lice izdajice?
Zakaj pa v dupe, če se v ramo? Ti si pa res nepraktičen. Ne izkazuješ kakšnega psoebnega, mene presegajočega intelekta, pavijan. Ok, imaš bolj potlačeno surlo, si potem tista afna, ki zgleda, kot da ima sploščen koorac na faci.
Ti bomo dali opanke z vibram podplatom, pa boš varuh južne meje, razen če si hrovatsko lice, lice izdajice?
Ti si lahko samo daš dildo v dupe papčino ena prodana izdajniška.
Varujem narod ja, in to počnem srčno, podgano.
Pavijan je bolj pameten od tebe, junak za tipkovnico.
Jeb-ote Janša u guzicu ti cucek fafački lizački, hinavski, mrš.
Ti si lahko samo daš dildo v dupe papčino ena prodana izdajniška.
Varujem narod ja, in to počnem srčno, podgano.
Pavijan je bolj pameten od tebe, junak za tipkovnico.
Jeb-ote Janša u guzicu ti cucek fafački lizački, hinavski, mrš.
Uf, kakšna lirična mojstrovina blankverza. Na Prešenovem trgu bomo odstranili Franceta in ga namestili s kipom kurcoobrazne opice, ki se drži za vejo, z napisom AD Ludi.
Kurcoobrazna afna Ludi vas sve pozdravlja…
Uf, kakšna lirična mojstrovina blankverza. Na Prešenovem trgu bomo odstranili Franceta in ga namestili s kipom kurcoobrazne opice, ki se drži za vejo, z napisom AD Ludi.
Kurcoobrazna afna Ludi vas sve pozdravlja…
Vidim da eni in isti omenjajo opice, sej pravi obsedenost z opicami, te divne živali so 100 krat več vredne kot vi izdajniški papci.
Ti lahko odstraniš samo svoje mentalno poremečeno izdajništvo in strahopetnost junače za tipkovnico.