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shortcut za screensawer


Zanima me kako naj naredim na desktopu shortcut s katerim lahko avtomatsko zazenem screensaver. Logika je preprosta. Ne bi rad cakal na “delay” za zagon, ampak bi ga pognal s klikom na ikonco. Uporabljam Win 98_ang.
Prosim za pomoc.


No, sem ze sam medtem nasel odgovor:

Until the automated screen saver bug can be fixed for all ClinLAN PCs, you can add a screen saver icon on your desktop in ClinLAN which you can double-click when you are leaving your PC and want to secure it:

Right-click once anywhere on the background of your desktop.
Select New then Shortcut
Select Browse
Change ‘Programs’ at bottom (Files of type) to ‘All Files’
Double-click on the Windows folder
Double-click on the System folder
Double-click on the …scr file of your choice for a screen saver (e.g., 3DFlower Box.scr)
Select Next then Finish
You should see the new icon on your desktop. Double-click it and the screen saver should appear.

Uporavljam webshotse, in s pritiskom na ctrl+shift+s takoj prikličem screensaver.

Da se aktivira preprosto z pritiskom na Alt+Ctrl in S(ali druga tipka), odvisno od Scr, ki ga uporabljas.


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