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Simone in njena porova juha iz MS – recept?

Zanima me, če pozna kdo recept za takšno porovo juho (mislim,da je bila s smetano -sirom?) kot jo je Simone skuhala v svojem zadnjem nastopu?

Simone je rekla, da bo recept objavila na internetu. Ne vem, kje je mislila, mogoče na svojem Facebooku? Malo preveri.

Na njenem instagram profilu sem zasledila recept za to juho.

Bi prosila za pomoč,jaz je namreč ne najdem. Hvala!

Na so objavljeni recepti, vsaj za nekaj jih vem, morda tam poiščeš.

Hvala,sem že gledala, vendar tam žal ni tega recepta.

Mislis tole? 🙂

Meni je najboljša samo por in malo korenja, potenstano in zalito z jušno osnovo.

Išče točno določen recept…

simone.michielen#recipe [hashtag=leeksoup]#leeksoup[/hashtag]


30 minutes + 10 minutes grill

1-2 leeks
1-2 potatoes
olive oil
1 orange (zest only)

Cut the leek in small rings, safe a small white part to use later
Put olive oil in the pan and softly bake the leek. Put in small dices of potato and let sweat for a while. Put in water so everything is a little bit more than covered and let cook for about 25 minutes. Add salt and pepper to your taste and extra water if you think the soup will be too thick.
Blend the soup till smooth. Add water if needed.
Whip the cream till a little thicker than yoghurt. Add the orange zest.

Put the soup in a bowl and put the orange cream on top. Put in a very hot oven or under the grill till the cream gets brown. Keep watching, don’t let it get too dark!

Serve with some fried leek and parsley leaves. [hashtag=bonapetit]#bonapetit[/hashtag]

hmm na profilu ima

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