Vrnitev odpisanih
Spoštovana Tajfun in KlemnaXX,
Še enkrat hvala za vajine vzpodbudne besede! Z gospodom Googlom sva na spletu našla tole:
All Versions
To cause Windows to attempt to reinitialize the protected-mode IDE driver:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then press ENTER.
Locate and click the following registry key:
In the right pane, right-click the NOIDE value, and then click Delete.
Quit Registry Editor.
After you update the registry, restart Windows. Windows attempts to initialize the protected-mode driver for the controller. If Windows can initialize the protected-mode driver for the controller, the file system and virtual memory operate in 32-bit mode and Device Manager does not display an exclamation point in a yellow circle for the IDE channels.
If the protected-mode driver is not initialized properly, you receive an error message and the NOIDE value is re-created. Windows uses the MS-DOS Compatibility mode file system the next time that you start the computer.
Mora “greti”? Okna zaenkrat, jah no, res je šele kakšne pol ure, odkar spet vse dela, še niso zamrznila. Pa saj smo sredi poletja…
Lep pozdrav
Namreč za taka jaj*****ca pa krivim čisto Billy-a.
Namreč, ko to pobrišeš device driverje v sistemu, bi moral Billy the Softić
poskrbeti, da se pobriše zadeva tudi v Registry.
Pač kolikor je šlampast tega ne naredi, oz. ker ne zna sprogramirati zadeve
kakor se za gre, butne na ekran t.i. Blue Screen of Death.
In potem se začne…. ******
Čeprav je po drugi strani res, da imajo dokaj dobro opisane take probljeme na
njihovi Support strani.
Ah bo že!
En pir pa bo…
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