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World wide World

Who is a bloddy crow? Who will kill the crow with all the diamonds all over the town? Diamonds are not all shiny in the dirt but someone to stick hands in the crow crowd treasure to get the shiny crown in the proper palace.

Explanation ” I was also a dumbass”: Algoritem ni neki novega! predvsem pa v obliki interneta z grafičnimi karticami na koncu prevodnika nastane res lep inteligentni sumarum.

Old Greek had Polis. Every Polis had own solution algoritems.

I- for show         -Democrats

II- for money      – Slaves according to Spartans

III- for go go go  – Spartans

According to aztec or Maya knowledge are we in already in 5th turn or are we skipping this in 6th.

Who is Faucci and why he got Jimmy the puppet for show. Let s go Brandon forbiden because he is not properlly amuused by according to Maya “rabbit” show?

Why are well trained service men resisting to goverment in USA. Philosophy of Armed Forces is serious







               AND SHOW IS NOT ON MANs and WOMEN armed LAW or ORDER personal MENU NEVER BEEN NEVER WAS

Regardeles of DUTY, we do our job finish evry aspect of it with values we accepted we understand and we want to share.

He is failling in every fcking aspect of beeing human beign. Eastern sun is for people by the people for the people. And I am sure it is not ball for throwing a “sticky ball” “Korona” for people to play, maybe slaves are exploting trowing that ball to stick some money on to it with a leashe to get it back guess no one trains for some higher puppeter shows. Why is even China resisting “open world” Mr. Holy Medical expert went for something that is called fire and water but can t say he is even a doctor. He s looking at the sun thinking he is the One. This will be the one who will set Sun shut it down on Eastern front with the other one. But EU is getting it done( where in Eu does money come).

Explanation: Greek and Sparta

Greek were democrats with high knowlodge of mathematics. Phiplosophers were open minded but murdered. Maybe they could not explain how world can be simple with mediation living same people with same languge withouth expends in name of money and …. power?

Sparta had slaves bankers so that not any money couldn t be spend for expanding monetary system. They lived they fight in a name of knowledege putted in Strength and Honor. Well Democrats could be gay ass bitcy somethimes with their saliva mouth.


We live as one smoke same packs without knowing who what is mixing us something. We are the power of algoritem.

We even have own farms of Knowlodge for meet grinder of knowledge. we give someone a chance to give them what we are as a human.

Alogiritem is THE second option of Maya prophecy. Agoritem himself we brought “ourself” on the 2nd finish podium but this is not the case. Maya had a knowledge ladder.


Mayan was not intersted in race what is called now getting in Presidential seat. Maya had a ladder so they could step higher with knowledege they gattered.

Sence when was knowledege simple thing we all have 7th degree of reading same book for a 50 years. When we stoped on the moon putted the flag on it and that will change I hope.

Ladder for knowledge is not on the moon it is somwehere over maybe in other direction. But algoritmic machines are doing pretty god job right?

We didn t choose to go the moon beacuse was easy but because is hard. And learning and just looking before we open the book, anyone tried it?

We are opposed by monolitic society who oppose and foe or friend regardles of their knowlodge politic or relegious view, for their expension for simple nonese goal.

Ask not what you can do for your contry but in a 21st century ask yourself what you can do for as we are all part of society. There for I puted SPQR. Gaius Julius Caesar. Streng and Honor are waking up for there were always ready, but missing part is up to us. We breathe same smog without knowing mine their or his it is our good we must take care of atmosfere. There is no money we can buy from other planets not there is no other air as we have it in Planet Earth, “Planet Peace”. We will be recaycled even with the money we posses and it is possesing us. Differenc will be only if we die with goal with Honor and Strengt and Peace Order and at the end with open eyes. eyes we look upon stautes we look upon to get inspiration we need for simple things. There this simple thing cannot be speled canot be taken cannot be earned. Wtih simple look in the eyes we with hart and mind develop desire for sake of our planet. Not to take live not to steal not to humiliate. to protect other developed phiposophy, just with look in the eyes.

It is time to give some climbe a ladder with hart and desire. It is our mind. We give and take our old primal science try with a tehnology to hold a ladder for little bit more time.


Dont give a stab in a back my Cleopatra cus I will bleed

We are equal no matter of look and Continet

Woman are according to investigation are holder of Universe, we men are bunch of sunshines. LOL

Recycling philosophy is limited but alowed, that means earth will make just a bunch of more class.

Say to them downkeepers, that cant be always a night. Even if you are not ready to…… we are a light, bunker have pretty much algoritmics yellow and red and green lights. Hope you know of this asshole going on for a walk accros Siberia. Dictator of fcking winter resort club with bloddy jerrys. fckr.

Napeolon not working


.not working


1st WW not working

2nd WW not working

3rd Not happening bro

I would like to say high to my insparation my father fcking withoth atom of brain. to give myself a hard lesson to try to speak. Fcking Healtcare who the d fck on high positon is medicatin and educating Doctors with shaman mettings. WTF.

Final would be that if it s not in news or deleted or shared or readed……..


love you “bitch” my pearl my insparation looking for ya in whole fckd up city, Her name is first name of Angel falling in Peace.

Jordan B. Peterson


If you learn you will know, if you search you will find, now we know how


You have to think anyway, why not to think big.


Dejansko ej ve enem stripu je cist isto

imagine one word in head and spread it with all words attached to that with mouth without saying the actual word


Modern politics bro….

Modern politics bro….

Mesaure that.    1 information from you internet computer______ on scale______ to your telecomunication operator sold. How much is internet worth withouth people?

more you browse internet, ideas, how to fun what to watch “gems” your desired solution or looking for problems some group of people profit from you in a trilion time for you to pay for the sting of the battle I would say by words of  Gen.Patton

What s up with Izrael and technology to listen and open any device JJ had a meeting there.

Human is a jewel if you listen to them jewels word is a gift question is a gift. Google chrome is a business how they met up each other with Hungary is a question

A good article, a compelling story requires the author to have a keen sense and eye to have an in-depth look at it. I am very impressed with your article. poppy playtime

Please defend Ukraine with central bank of ex-nato head cheff he s gone as brainless dogon leash. This could have big inflation impact on EU with unpayed peace forces.

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