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Splash Forum Koronavirus Katja je umrla od cepiva, kdo bo odgovarjal?

Katja je umrla od cepiva, kdo bo odgovarjal?

Edina od dveh milijonov je umrla od cepiva. Zaradi korone jih je umrlo kar tisoč ljudi ! Kaj vam ni jasno ?

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I’m really sorry to hear about Katja’s passing, but it’s important to approach such sensitive topics with caution and rely on accurate information. While extremely rare cases of adverse reactions can occur, the overall benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks. It’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals and rely on scientific consensus when evaluating vaccine safety.a


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Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
Renata977, 30.11.2022 ob 21:31

Edina od dveh milijonov je umrla od cepiva. Zaradi korone jih je umrlo kar tisoč ljudi ! Kaj vam ni jasno ?

Budala, se sploh ne zavedas kaj govoris, le en primer je prisel v medije, marsikomu zdravnik pove, da so tezave nastale zaradi cepiva, le da tega nobeden ne upa napisati v izvid!! Kdo ve, mogoce pa lahko ostanejo brez dodatkov…. Koza si, res!

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
vedi., 19.06.2022 ob 18:23

žid Bill Gates pravi, da se moramo VSI cepiti Bill Gates: “Morat će se cijepiti 80 posto stanovništva i najteže će biti uvjeriti ljude u to” – NACIONAL.HR


Zaradi korone jih je umrlo kar tisoč ljudi ! Kaj vam ni jasno ?

Umrli so s korono in ne zaradi korone. Če je padel pod šlepar in imel korono so kot vzrok smrti pisali korono.

Kaj tebi ni jasno debil? Delaš v zdravstvu in se ti kolca po mastnih plandemičnih dodatkih?

The Madagascar Dragon Tree or Dracaena Marginata is most definitely one of the easiest indoor plants to plant, grow, care and maintain.

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Polit- kolesarji.

The pandemic’s toll is debated as some claim inflated COVID-19 death counts, alleging cases where individuals with the virus, but not directly caused by it, were included. The controversy questions the accuracy of pandemic-related statistics, sparking intense debates and suspicions surrounding the handling of COVID-19 data.“>Read more

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