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Naslovnica Forum Starševski čvek London v totalnem kaosu, naši mediji pa nič ne poročajo.

London v totalnem kaosu, naši mediji pa nič ne poročajo.

Ta dejstva ne sovpadajo s pogledom desnicarskih ksenofobov, zato jih razglasam za fake news.

Also, smeti, ki za svojo politicno agitacijo izrablja smrt policista: crkni v bolecinah.

Za London, pa tudi za večino odprtih držav na severu območja, ki se jim moraš globoko izogniti, niso več nobena skrivnost. Gre dobesedno za muslimanska geta, ki so postala neobvladljiva. Tudi če kokodakas kontra in se oprijemas evrckov, ki ti jih mesečno nakazujejo za to na račun, tega dejstva ne bo spremenilo. Danes se za take kot si ti, lahko reče samo plačanec ali pa povsem nerazgledan osebek, ki še ni stopil kaj dosti preko praga svoje hiše. Ne, svet ni več dober in še slabše bo. Zapravili ste ga levosučni protagonisti in plačanci, ki ste dopustili, da se zgodovinsko preizkuseni vzorci porušijo v nekaj desetletijih, pri nas še hitreje. Ne bo ti škodilo, če si poiščeš tovrstne objave na spletnih necenzuriranih medijih in tudi kaj prebereš.

Kje si pa našel muslimanska geta v Londonu. :)))

Koliko nedolžnih žrtev je že nastradalo. Tisti, ki se zavedamo, nas je strah. Vse skrivajo, lažejo, cenzura tiska in naša falanga še vedno laže in si zatiska oči.

Ko prebiram takšne stvari, me zelo skrbi naša prihodnost, če krmila države ne prevzame kmalu gospod Janez Janša. Sicer se utegne takrat povečati pritisk migrantov na naše meje, ker se nam bo povečal standard in blaginja in ne bomo več živeli v revščini. Ampak sem prepričan, da nas bo gospod Janez Janša sposoben ubraniti, tako kot nas je ubranil tudi komunizma.

Koliko nedolžnih žrtev je že nastradalo. Tisti, ki se zavedamo, nas je strah. Vse skrivajo, lažejo, cenzura tiska in naša falanga še vedno laže in si zatiska oči.

Potem so opravili svojo nalogo – tebe je strah. In s prestrašenimi ovcami je najlažje manipulirati. To vejo vsi desničarski voditelji tega sveta. Vladajo lahko samo tako, da ljudem ponudijo zunanjega sovražnika. Potem pozabijo na vse drugo. No, še dobro, da je večina razvitega sveta danes malo bolj razgledana, pa ne pada več večinsko na te fore. Ampak ovce se pa še zmeraj najdete. Iz tolpaške statistike greste potegnit sklep, da je London v primežu imigrantov. Ja, itak, da je, ampak je tak že, odkar so se začeli priseljevat Indijci iz bivše kolonije. In v zadnjih letih se glede strukture priseljencev ni spremenilo čisto nič.

Stanje v Londonu je res katastrofalno. Koljejo se dobesedno dnevno. Ne pozabimo pa, da imajo muslimanskega župana.

malo manj gled pralnico poročila po tv, manj beri te zadeve pa ti bo lažje london ima tok ljudi k 5 slovenij in to je povsem normalno. pa še dol mi visi za tisti tvoj london pa še za kaj drugega tudi.posveti se fafanju uživanju v seksu in podobno.če ne veš kje začeti pusti mail, če si seveda vizualno prijetno dekle, pa ti pomagam do ekstaze in da prekineš odvisnost od zunanjega sveta. manj stresa pa to.ker sedaj se po tvojih žilah pretaka mamilo, ki se ga niti ne zavedaš.

Meh, ko bi ti vsaj statistika šla na roko.

malo manj gled pralnico poročila po tv, manj beri te zadeve pa ti bo lažje london ima tok ljudi k 5 slovenij in to je povsem normalno. pa še dol mi visi za tisti tvoj london pa še za kaj drugega tudi.posveti se fafanju uživanju v seksu in podobno.če ne veš kje začeti pusti mail, če si seveda vizualno prijetno dekle, pa ti pomagam do ekstaze in da prekineš odvisnost od zunanjega sveta. manj stresa pa to.ker sedaj se po tvojih žilah pretaka mamilo, ki se ga niti ne zavedaš.

Ti si pa en grd fuk fehtar kenede.

Ne vem zakaj, a tole me nekako spominja na Majdo 🙂

Ne vem zakaj, a tole me nekako spominja na Majdo 🙂
Ja, oba sta trola

Torej so ‘no go’ cone izmišljotina medijev in sploh ne obstajajo? Mene v Londonu že res dolgo ni bilo, nimam informacij iz prve roke.

Ko v Zanzibarju že sonce zahaja, pri nas je še noč. Palme, banane in kokos - otok cvetoč.

Sem bil tam in rečem takole – za pogledat je znamenitosti, tega je res veliko in imaš vsaj 1 mesec da obredeš od Towra do vseh živih muzejev, živel pa tam res ne bi, ga ni denarja.

Ko v Zanzibarju že sonce zahaja, pri nas je še noč. Palme, banane in kokos - otok cvetoč.

Če te res zanima.

Various right-of-centre political commenters have, at different times, alluded to the existence of so-called “Islamic no go zones” in Western Europe. Generally, these are defined broadly and variously areas where the local authorities do not have effective police presence, a majority of the local population is Muslim, and “Sharia law” is in effect. Some commenters go as far to state that white people and/or non-Muslims are physically excluded, that there are borders and barriers, or else that Sharia patrols enforce them.

A wide variety of social media accounts and alt-right websites have alleged the existence of such zones in London. The author of this post devotes considerable effort to debunking such theories, as nearly every Londoner finds the very concept absurd. Numerous maps and articles have been posted, alleged to be “proof” or “evidence” of the existence of these so-called “Islamic no go zones.” This post is meant to serve as a resource debunking of such fake “evidence.”

Example 1: Tower Hamlets, Newham, and Waltham Forest

This particular map implies that three London Boroughs are actually no go zones and has been sent to me several times. Looking at published demographic statistics from government sources, the combined population of these boroughs is approximately 932,000 people. These are, indeed, some of the most heavily Muslim areas of the country. However, the combined three boroughs are approximately 30{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} Muslim. 70{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} of the shaded area is non-Muslim. Every major religion is present in these three boroughs, with literally hundreds of churches and a number of synagogues easily found through a simple Google search. How this area can be “Muslim only” when hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims live there and hundreds of thousands more commute to work in these areas is not explained. These figures, meanwhile, are approximate, given that the last census was in 2011.

All three boroughs have numerous outlets to sell alcohol, both for on premises and off premises consumption. For example, one can apply here for a licence to sell alcohol in Waltham Forest. The borough of Newham contains one of the largest shopping malls in London, an international airport, and was the site of numerous Olympic venues. The borough of Tower Hamlets contains the Tower of London (hence its name), visited by millions, and a very large banking district (Canary Wharf) which engages in non-Islamic finance (some financial institutions in Canary Wharf have branches or divisions that provide financial products compliant with Islamic finance practices in addition to their normal lines of business).

A brief internet search indicates that the above map actually comes from a far-right blog site called “British Nationalist.” It was posted in 2011.

(All of the links to odd far right sites in this post have been done through so as not to improve their position on search engine results)

Example 2: Tower Hamlets City of London Notice

In early 2018, I was send this notice by three correspondents, claiming that it was an official police notice. This notice purports to notify people that, as of 29th June 2013, the London Borough of Tower Hamlets is a no go zone and that people will be arrested for entering it.

First of all, the tagline “Islam is for Cretins” should be an indicator that this is not a public document. More to the point, this fake notice relies on fundamental ignorance about policing in London. Many people outside of London do not realise that London has several police forces. The City of London Police is not the same thing as the London Metropolitan Police. The City of London Police only serve as the police in the one square mile region of The City of London, which is only a small part of greater London. The rest of London, including the area covered in this map, is under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police. Whoever made this flier did not even grasp this basic fact.

An interesting fact about this map is that it includes the entire Canary Wharf region, which is a very large financial district, as pictured below. (Photo courtesy R. Kaszeta)

A bit of internet research yields the interesting fact that this flier seems to have been circulated by a right-wing blog called “Gates of Vienna” (link) which in turn claims to have got it from someone’s Facebook page.

Example 3: The Acid Attack Map

This map was originally published in the UK tabloid “The Sun” in December 2017 (here). The actual article, by Hugo Gye, talked about some moped delivery drivers having areas they preferred not to deliver to. However, this map has been taken out of context by many commentators who insist on misinterpreting it as picturing “Islamic no go zones.” For example, a right-wing blog called “Creeping Sharia” spread the map and used it imply that these areas of the city are somehow no go zones.

What we see here is a combination of two interesting trends. One is the conflation of caustic liquid attacks, erroneously called “acid attacks” (many attackers use caustic substances that are not, in fact, acids), with Islam. The BBC analysed the statistics on such attacks in a useful article. The majority of perpetrators are either white Europeans or of African/Caribbean descent. South Asians, a demographic category which includes many Muslims, are three times as likely to be the victims as opposed to perpetrators of “acid attacks”.” There’s no evidence tying this form of violence to sectarianism.

The other trend we have to understand is that ANYTHING labeled a “no go zone” will be appropriated by bigots, trolls, and misguided people for their own purposes.

Like the other maps, there is a level of absurdity to the claims that these areas are no go zones. Although this map does not define the catchment areas terribly well, a total of about a million people live in them. Many more commute there for work. One can look at the entry and exit statistics of Transport for London underground stations in the alleged no go zones depicted on the map. At Angel tube station, in the alleged no go zone of Islington, there were approximately 19,200,000 entries and exits from the tube station in 2017. The Camden Town tube station, clearly listed on the map as a “no go zone” had 22,510,000 entries and exits. Quite a bit of coming and going for alleged no go zones.

For live debunking of no go zones, the has live traffic cameras in every one of the alleged no go zones. You can see, any time of day or night, what really happens in these alleged no go zones — i.e. many different people, who are all going about their business.

The actual article in the Sun only focuses on a handful of moped delivery drivers. The words Islam and Muslim are not included in the article. Upon being contacted on Twitter, the author clearly explained that the article was not meant to indicate that these were Islamic no go zones for the general public.

Example 4: The Victoria Exclusion Zone

This is an interesting example. It claims to be from a news agency called “Juno News,” which turns out to be a strange blog as opposed to a news source. In fact, this map originally illustrated a local, temporary police measure against street begging, as reported in December 2013 by the Daily Mail. Instead of some no go zone, it was an area where a police officer had the temporary authority to ask someone begging on the street to move out of the zone.

One thing to note with this particular map is that “Victoria” is misspelled, both when it comes to Victoria Street and Victoria Station. Another thing to note, for those who have never been to London, is that Victoria Station is absurdly busy and is the main entry point in London for arrivals from Gatwick Airport. According to UK government statistics for the financial year 2016-2017, there were nearly 76 million entries and exits to the train platforms in Victoria Station. This does not even account the thousands of people who go through the station for other reasons, such as to go to the bus stops or tothe adjacent underground station.

Example 5: Westminster “No Go Zones”

Finally, this map has been provided as an example of no go zones in the City of Westminster. It is actually a depiction of temporary exclusion areas immediately following the Westminster Bridge attack, where police investigations were ongoing. It is taken from a Daily Mail article in March 2017. These police advisories were lifted very quickly. None of these areas are exclusion areas. Several of these areas can be observed using live traffic camera footage, as explained above.

Overall Conclusions
When one delves beyond the realm of maps and dives into social media, there are clearly many other examples of claims of “no go zones” in London.Perhaps a future post can delve into these if there are sufficient interest. These examples cited above broadly cover the majority of the claims. Indeed, claims based on these maps are generally more detailed than many claims on Twitter, which often use vague terms like “East London” or absurd terms like “Eastern London” (nobody in London uses this term) or “Londonistan.”

Several general trends emerge upon examination. While some claims are fabricated entirely out of whole cloth, others take actual events and either draw odd conclusions or twist them out of proportion. The fact that the London Borough of Tower Hamlets had a Muslim mayor for some years led to odd claims that the area was under Sharia law, deliberately muddling the religion of the mayor with the legal framework of governance. The election of Sadiq Khan as Mayor of Greater London has furthered such claims.

In addition, isolated examples have been taken out of context and purported to be representative of widespread circumstances. For example, three extremists formed an unsanctioned “Sharia patrol” and harrassed people in Bethnal Green, Stepney, and Shoreditch (all areas in East London). These individuals were arrested, tried, and jailed. In another incident, the so-called “Ginger Jihadi” was jailed for similar conduct. Videos of both are routinely circulated as evidence.

The best way to debunk the “no go zone” phenomenon is to go to these areas and either observe or engage in conduct that is obviously not in accordance with strict application of Sharia laws. This author’s own efforts in this area have been well noted in the last year, as shown by this example and this one.

Ok, to be fair, po dolocenih estateih v Tower Hamlets se jaz kot belcek ne bi setkal ponoci. Ne zaradi muslimanov, ampak zaradi gangov.

1,6 umorov na 100k prebivalcev.
Če je res, pa ne vem. Njihova uradna poročila.

Bo nekje v tem rangu. Evropsko povprečje je 3, ZDA pa ima 5.

in tale Aniaa je ravno dav prispevka pred tem pisala, kak kvaliteta življenja je v tako opevani in napredni uk.ampak si pa prizadeto ženšče. ni večjega s.k.r.e.t.a kot so 99 procent ljudi za kruh nima, živijo v d.r.e.k.u dobesedno, d.r.e.k. iz kanalizacije jih zaliva, hodijo v najcenejše trgvonine ala spin varianta po odpadno robo , ki si jo tlačijo v rit

Ti si pa en grd ****** fehtar kenede.
[/quote]grd glih nisem, fu.fehtar pa, ali drugače po.fu ka m vse kar leze pa gre, včasih pa še kakšno dobro
mujo šta radiš
e pa je.b.e.m
pa naiđe li išta
ma ama ništa

Za London, pa tudi za večino odprtih držav na severu območja, ki se jim moraš globoko izogniti, niso več nobena skrivnost. Gre dobesedno za muslimanska geta, ki so postala neobvladljiva. Tudi če kokodakas kontra in se oprijemas evrckov, ki ti jih mesečno nakazujejo za to na račun, tega dejstva ne bo spremenilo. Danes se za take kot si ti, lahko reče samo plačanec ali pa povsem nerazgledan osebek, ki še ni stopil kaj dosti preko praga svoje hiše. Ne, svet ni več dober in še slabše bo. Zapravili ste ga levosučni protagonisti in plačanci, ki ste dopustili, da se zgodovinsko preizkuseni vzorci porušijo v nekaj desetletijih, pri nas še hitreje. Ne bo ti škodilo, če si poiščeš tovrstne objave na spletnih necenzuriranih medijih in tudi kaj prebereš.

Ftw😅 saj ne veš, kaj govoriš.

Newcastle ( prvi link ) je od Londona oddaljen 400 kilometrov.

Berkshire je sosednja pokrajina.

Če že skušaš zavajati z ekstremisticnimi blodnjami, daj vsaj geografsko ustrezne linke.
Tudi o muslimanskih getih, pa ne iz ALT right blogov.

Ne razumem zakaj bi slovenski mediji poročali o tem? A angleški poročajo o bebcu ki je ubil policista z avtom pa se je pol slovenije zadovoljno smehljalo in mu privoščilo smrt ker je policaj? Poročajo o Janezu ki je Francko ubil nekje v Sloveniji?
Ste res tako lačni tragedij da hočete za vse države na svetu vedeti kaj točno se tam dogaja? Ali vas zanima samo za te za katere lahko potem trdite da so si same krive ker tujce spuščajo notr? Ker samo tujci delajo svinarije a ne? V uk je ogromno revnih ljudi, na sociali in so dobesedno potisnjeni na rob družbe. Tako tudi v ZDA recimo, Francija in vse večje države. In v takih delih se največ sranja dogaja. Ne zaradi tega kje so bili ti ljudje rojeni, ampak iz čiso preprostega razloga ker so večinoma brez dela, imajo čas cel dan bedarije razmišljat, so jezni ker mislijo da jim pripada več kot dobijo brez da bi rit premaknili in najhujše je pa to da so vsi ti ljudje stisnjeni na kup, kjer je okolje dobesedno spodbudno do tega razmišljanja. Najhujše kar lahko narediš je da te ljudi namečeš na kup in čakaš.

Zakaj bi naši poročali o Londonu? To se ljudi v Sloveniji prav nič ne tiče. Bodo pa zagotovo poročali, ko se bodo v Britaniji cene po braxitu dvignile vsaj za 30-40{04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465}, ko bodo zaradi tega imeli pomanjkanje goriva in vsesplošno krizo, sploh so ti Britanci že skozi zgodovino izkoriščevalci in še danes bi oni koristili koristi EU, ne bi pa pri tem prispevali svoj delež. Naj se že enkrat spokajo iz EU.

In ko bodo umorili tvojega prijatelja ali družinskega člana, se boš tudi ukvarjala z Megan.

Britanci so totalne ovce, kje na svetu še poveličujejo razne prince in kraljice, razen v zaostalih državah, v Londonu živijo dobesedno v dreku in v še večjem bodo po izstopu iz EU. Že cela EU jih ima poln kufer. Zakaj bi potem še novice, od tam poročali.

Da bomo ali ne bomo tja lazili s trebuhom za ktuhom.
Tam vsakega vzamejo na delo, namreč, nimajo zgornje starostne omejitve.

New Report
