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Naslovnica Forum Starševski čvek "mladi" na Švedskem

"mladi" na Švedskem

Od Fajonke otroci

Demokracija in osebni pohlep jih je in bo zajebal z migranti in lastnim delomrzništvom.
Evropa se je z vojno in porazom Nemčije leta 1945 pokopala.
Evropska demokracija pogreb evropske kulture in evropskega človeka, ki je tukaj ustvarjal zadnjih 2-3000 let.

Predvsem je pri celi zadevi ”To stanje bi lahko koristilo populistični protipriseljenski stranki Švedski demokrati, ki bi lahko postala druga največja stranka v parlamentu.” seveda najpomembnejše. To, so na rtv slo seveda morali dopisati, ker brez tega bi ta članek bil nepopoln, ma kaj nepopoln, popolnoma dezinformativen.

Klasičen primer ”objektivnih” medijev.

Najprej jih poimenujejo ” mladi”, za konec pa potem omenjeni stavek.

Enako kot so ”objektivni” mediji v VB bande poimenovali ”asian grooming gangs”, namesto ”muslim grooming rape gangs”, kar so dejansko bile.

Enako ”objektivno” kot deluje ta portal.

Predvsem je pri celi zadevi ”To stanje bi lahko koristilo populistični protipriseljenski stranki Švedski demokrati, ki bi lahko postala druga največja stranka v parlamentu.” seveda najpomembnejše. To, so na rtv slo seveda morali dopisati, ker brez tega bi ta članek bil nepopoln, ma kaj nepopoln, popolnoma dezinformativen.

Klasičen primer ”objektivnih” medijev.

Najprej jih poimenujejo ” mladi”, za konec pa potem omenjeni stavek.

Enako kot so ”objektivni” mediji v VB bande poimenovali ”asian grooming gangs”, namesto ”muslim grooming rape gangs”, kar so dejansko bile.

Enako ”objektivno” kot deluje ta portal.

Popravek: To so Švedski policajac otvoreno progovorio o imigrantskom kriminalu: “Vlasti zabijaju glavu u pijesak” – izpred 2 let

Vsi vemo za katere “mlade” gre.

Cleverson Tico Yo Yoshizawa (se) pod videom sprašuje Vart är vi påväg?? (Kje smo??)

Za mlade brez spremstva, ki jih niso hoteli vzeti v Kranski dijaški dom?

Cleverson Tico Yo Yoshizawa (se) pod videom sprašuje Vart är vi påväg?? (Kje smo??)
“Kam gremo.”

“Kam gremo.”

The policing of the coordinated car-burning Sweden this week has been unbelievable – a sign of real fear of confronting potentially violent immigrants.

“We have already begun interviews under caution with the parents of the young people who participated in the events of morning. We chose not to arrest anyone on site but have identified them,” says police spokeswoman Ulla Brehm to SVT.
Turkish border police have arrested a person wanted in Sweden in connection with Monday night’s car fires in Gothenburg.

The twenty-something man is wanted by the police for aggravated arson and is being flown back to Sweden today for questioning. Swedish police say suspect in car fires arrested in Turkey

Švedi si jih ne upajo ne izpostaviti, ne imenovati, ne kaznovati, ker vedo, kdo so.

Švedi so tako kot Britanci prikivali tudi spolne napade imigrantskih tolp na najstnice.

This cover-up of sex assaults in Sweden

Police failure to report widespread assaults by immigrant gangs at a Stockholm music festival will be immensely damaging for the country’s race relations

The news that the Swedish authorities covered up widespread sexual assaults by immigrant gangs on teenage girls at a Stockholm music festival, and possibly other incidents too, is immensely damaging for race relations in Sweden because it conforms so precisely to two stereotypes.

The first, widely believed in nationalist circles, is that immigrants to Sweden are responsible for the huge rise in reported rapes in recent years. The second, more true, and much more widely believed, is that you cannot trust respectable Swedish opinion to be honest about the bad effects of immigration.

It has been quite clearly established that there has been an increase in violent crime, and in reported rape, over the last 40 years in Sweden. In 1995, the first year for which statistics are easily available on the Crime Agency’s website, there were 179 murders in Sweden, of which 29 involved guns; in 2014 there were 317, of which 74 involved guns.

Some of the violence is closely linked to the appearance of gangs of Balkan and Middle Eastern origin among refugee groupings who fight for control of the drugs trade, among other things. There were around 40 unsolved gang murders on police files at the end of last year.

Povzeto po Guardian. Kdo bi rekel.

Predvsem je pri celi zadevi ”To stanje bi lahko koristilo populistični protipriseljenski stranki Švedski demokrati, ki bi lahko postala druga največja stranka v parlamentu.” seveda najpomembnejše. To, so na rtv slo seveda morali dopisati, ker brez tega bi ta članek bil nepopoln, ma kaj nepopoln, popolnoma dezinformativen.

Klasičen primer ”objektivnih” medijev.

Najprej jih poimenujejo ” mladi”, za konec pa potem omenjeni stavek.

Enako kot so ”objektivni” mediji v VB bande poimenovali ”asian grooming gangs”, namesto ”muslim grooming rape gangs”, kar so dejansko bile.

Enako ”objektivno” kot deluje ta portal.

In seveda na tem forumu v ”dušebrižni’ maniri zbrišejo cel seznam 31 obsojenih, ki je neizpodbitno dejstvo, in ki ga je nekdo objavil v drugi temi na tem forumu.

Res zelo ”objektivno” delovanje portala.

Ja, seveda, MLADI požigajo avte! Vidiš, to je poročanje main stream medijev, kao objektivno!! Za popizdit. Res, lepo so jih naučili na FDV-ju, politično korektne novinarje, ki niti potiho ne smejo omeniti ilegalnih migrantov ali pa samo migrantov oz. prosilcev za azil.

Pa je vsemu svetu jasno, KDO požiga avte in KATERE OPICE razbijajo izložbe in delajo škodo normalnim državljanom.

Res za zbruhat tako poročanje!!!!

Ja, seveda, MLADI požigajo avte! Vidiš, to je poročanje main stream medijev, kao objektivno!! Za popizdit. Res, lepo so jih naučili na FDV-ju, politično korektne novinarje, ki niti potiho ne smejo omeniti ilegalnih migrantov ali pa samo migrantov oz. prosilcev za azil.

Pa je vsemu svetu jasno, KDO požiga avte in KATERE OPICE razbijajo izložbe in delajo škodo normalnim državljanom.

Res za zbruhat tako poročanje!!!!
Poleg večjih požigov 2013, spomnimo še na tega, ki je tako kot so bili nedavni, tudi bil ta v Göteborgu, v katerem je umrlo 63 in bilo ranjenih 213 mladih! v starosti od 12 do 25 let. Storilci požiga diskoteke 1998 (motiv: maščevanje,ker so jim zavrnili vstop v diskoteko) so bili Shoresh Kaveh, Housein Arsani, Mohammad Mohammadamini in Meysam Mohammadyeh.

Poleg večjih požigov 2013, spomnimo še na tega, ki je tako kot so bili nedavni, tudi bil ta v Göteborgu, v katerem je umrlo 63 in bilo ranjenih 213 mladih! v starosti od 12 do 25 let. Storilci požiga diskoteke 1998 (motiv: maščevanje,ker so jim zavrnili vstop v diskoteko) so bili Shoresh Kaveh, Housein Arsani, Mohammad Mohammadamini in Meysam Mohammadyeh.
×tudi ta bil

Angry Foreigner, ki je video posnel in objavil in je kot 5-letni otrok skupaj s starši kot begunec iz Bosne prišel na Švedsko, je zapisal spodnje in več povedal v videu:
Donald Trump gave a speech in Florida and remarked “look at what happened last night in Sweden”, which was met by immediate mockery. The Embassy of Sweden in the US even tweeted Trump saying they looked forward to informing him on Swedish immigration and integration policy.
Don’t bother. I’ll do a better job explaining that disaster than you ever could. Please share this video and make a fool out of the fake news media. Trump is not lying.

An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop
Let’s be honest… Sweden is moving right wing. Why? They are tired of being told they are racist for noticing that their country is getting much more unsafe, explody & trashed.
Spodaj je, komentar uporabnika YT Johna Doea tri dni nazaj. Komentar se mi zdi zanimiv, ker izpričuje drugačen pogled, kot smo ga vajeni glede na druge kritične zapise.

Sweden’s government is not feminist. That is a lie that they constantly tell us in order to hide their true agenda, which is actually the very opposite of “feminism”. The Swedish, and Western, elite’s purpose with mass Islamic, Third World immigration is to WAR against Western women, and to sabotage, undermine and destroy all the social, economical and educational progress and advancements made by women in Western countries over the past decades. Why else would they flood their countries with violent, rape-prone men from hostile, oppressive and misogynistic cultures? All the mass rape and violence that we are currently seeing directed towards girls and women in the West at the hands of Muslim migrants, it’s not by coincidence.

It’s what mass Islamic, Third World immigration is all about. Warring against women. The Swedish government (ruled by the Western Deep State) calling themselves feminists is simply a ruse, a face, a facade, an opposite that the elite hides behind to hide their true, anti-woman agenda.

še en daljši komentar John Doea na YT tri dni nazaj:

I’m AMAZED that more Swedes haven’t realized why the Swedish, and Western, elite (a bunch of rich, old, powerful, patriarchal men) is flooding the West with Third World, Muslim migrants from violent and misogynistic cultures. It’s all about warring against Western women and about sabotaging, undermining and destroying all the progress and social advancements made by women in Western countries over the past decades.

All the recent attacks on European women, all the mass rape, all the rape gangs, the rape games, the grooming gangs, the acid attacks, the violent and misogynistic honor cultures… It’s not by coincidence. It’s all a very intentional and integral part of the plan in the elite’s war on women. How is this not obvious at this point?

Think about it. In a time when women are making more social, educational and economical advancements in Western societies than ever before, why has it all of a sudden become an absolute necessity, a must, to flood the West with violent men from barbaric and woman-hating Third World cultures? An import that, surprise surprise, has led to the mass rape and abuse of Western girls and women all over Europe?

It’s so obvious what’s going on. This is about the men in power (bankers, media moguls, politicians, lords) using mass Islamic immigration to war against the women in their own Western countries.

New Report
