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Naslovnica Forum ‘Teorije zarote’ Stefan Lanka Zgodovina nalezljivih bolezni

Stefan Lanka Zgodovina nalezljivih bolezni

Povedal vam bom zgodbo, kako se je vse razvilo, da boste razumeli, kako se je napaka spremenila v goljufijo, goljufija v zločin in kako se je skozi industrializacijo tega zločina razvila norost, nekakšna norosti, ki ogroža vse nas, celotno človeško raso.

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Stefan Lanka is a German virologist and researcher who has been known for his controversial views on the origins and causes of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS and the human papillomavirus (HPV). Lanka has been a critic of the mainstream scientific consensus on these diseases and has challenged the accuracy of established research and findings.

Lanka’s theories and views have been widely disputed and criticized by the scientific community, and his claims have been repeatedly debunked. The scientific consensus is that HIV causes AIDS, and that HPV is a major cause of cervical cancer.

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
thomas32, 31.01.2023 ob 08:18

Stefan Lanka is a German virologist and researcher who has been known for his controversial views on the origins and causes of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS and the human papillomavirus (HPV). Lanka has been a critic of the mainstream scientific consensus on these diseases and has challenged the accuracy of established research and findings.

Lanka’s theories and views have been widely disputed and criticized by the scientific community, and his claims have been repeatedly debunked. The scientific consensus is that HIV causes AIDS, and that HPV is a major cause of cervical cancer.

Stefan Lanka je nemški virolog in raziskovalec, ki je znan po svojih kontroverznih pogledih na izvor in vzroke nalezljivih bolezni, vključno z virusom HIV/aidsom in humanim papiloma virusom (HPV). Lanka je bil kritik glavnega znanstvenega soglasja o teh boleznih in je izpodbijal točnost uveljavljenih raziskav in ugotovitev.

Znanstvena skupnost je Lankove teorije in poglede močno oporekala in kritizirala, njegove trditve pa so bile večkrat ovržene. Znanstveno soglasje je, da HIV povzroča aids in da je HPV glavni povzročitelj raka materničnega vratu.

Seveda STEFAN LANKA trdi še marsikaj drugega, kar mafija farmacevtska negira- bo prišel dan, ko bo ta mafija obsojena in strpana v zapor, takrat bo prišla tudi resnica o delu Lanke na dan!!

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