Telekom ali T2, svetujte
Sedaj smo pri telekomu. Vse komplet, tv, internet, stacionarni telefon, mobitel 2x.
Sedaj smo dobili neko ponudbo od T2 in je ceneje. Sicer se ne spoznam v vse te podatke, ki so jih predstavili. Zato me zanima, če je kdo že nastudiral ponudbe in kaj je najbolj ugodno in delujoče. Mobilna telefonija ni obvezna, ker razmisljam, da bi sla na Bob.
Odvisno od omrežja. Načeloma so kablaši najbolj ugodni, če imaš na voljo takšno omrežje, so pa hitrosti kar primerljive z optiko, ker so vsa kabelska omrežja že nadgradili tako, da imajo 90 {04cafd300e351bb1d9a83f892db1e3554c9d84ea116c03e72cda9c700c854465} poti v ozadju napeljano optiko, zadnjih par 10 metrov pa staro koaksialno omrežje, kar hitrosti ne uniči preveč.
Na čisti optiki malokje dobiš za 30 € na mesec spodoben trojček, pri kablašu pa skoraj vsakem.
Smo ravno sorodnici menjali s TK optike na neuporabljeno staro kabelsko omrežje pri telemachu in je dobila več kot prej za nižjo ceno (200+ programov, stacionarni telefon, 100 mega internet)
Mi imamo pa pri enem manjšem lokalnem kablašu trojček (150 programov, stacionarni telefon, 20 mega internet) tudi za 30 €, pa se nikjer drugje ne dobi za podobno ceno kaj podobnega, nam je tudi TK optiko napeljal, ne nameravamo presedlati, ker tam ni ugodnih spodobnih paketov.
Vse se da zmenit na T2.
Malo je potrebno spremljat zadeve in se tudi malo spoznati , pa gre super. Jaz se že praktično od začetka pri njih.
Imamo pa odlično programsko shemo, internet, telefon, stac, in mob.telefon.
Ko gledaš ponudbo cene glej da je zraven v ceni tudi dDV.
Pa tudi preko maila so dosegljivi in dokaj ažurni.
Dokler nismo imeli preko optike, je kar fajn ven metalo zaradi tehničnih težav pri nas. Težava je bila dobiti zvezo za reševanje tehn. težav, sem se znajdla in pritisnila kar na 1- stik z naročniki, pa so mi oni prevezali na tehnika.
sedaj ni nobenih težav ( optika). Pa terenski delavci so bili super.
Mesečno z DDV pride okrog 56 €.
Hey there, I’m completely new here, I am just not sure in the event that this section would be the right place to publish this and sorry just for this, but I had been hoping someone here on would be able to aid me.
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Hi there, I’m new here, I am just not sure in case this section is the right place to post this and even sorry with this, but I was hoping someone here on would be able to assist me.
Now i’m wondering if anyone knows any sort of trusted resource for signals for crypto. Is this website trusted and anyone worked with them ?
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Likewise please present any good and comprehensive knowledge base for more inormation about this type of services. I just appreciate it.
Hello, I’m new here, I am not sure in cases where this section may be the right place to create this and sorry with this, but I had been hoping some one here on would be able to aid me.
So i’m wondering if anyone knows any sort of trusted provider for crypto signals. Is this company authentic and anyone worked with them ?
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Additionally please present any good as well as comprehensive blog for more inormation about this sort of services. I appreciate it.
Hello, I’m new here, I am not sure in cases where this section could be the right place to post this and even sorry for this, but I had been hoping a friend here on would be able to guide me.
Now i’m wondering if anyone knows any trusted source for buy and sell signals. Is this signal provider trusted and anyone worked with them ?
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Furthermore please present any good and even comprehensive website directory for more inormation about such services. I appreciate it.
Hi, I’m new here, I am not sure in the event that this section could be the right place to post this and also sorry just for this, but We were hoping some one here on would be able to guide me.
So i’m wondering if anyone knows any sort of trusted reference for bitcoin signals. Is this company authentic and anyone worked with them ?
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In addition please tell me any good and even comprehensive directory for more inormation about these kinds of services. I just appreciate it.