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Naslovnica Forum ‘Teorije zarote’ Vsak mesec se iz nič ustvari 100 miljard € – poleg tega se bo sedaj naprintalo še 750 miljard

Vsak mesec se iz nič ustvari 100 miljard € – poleg tega se bo sedaj naprintalo še 750 miljard

Zlato in deloma BTC ima veliko razlogov za višat ceno. Nekatere inštance sedijo na kupih denarja. Ko bodo začeli resneje zapravljati se pojavi hiperinflacija.

On 10 March 2016, the ECB increased its monthly bond purchases to €80 billion from €60 billion and started to include corporate bonds under the asset purchasing programme and announced new ultra-cheap four-year loans to banks. After a short pause of about a year, the ECB resumed buying up eurozone government bonds at a rate of €20 billion as from November 2019 in an effort to encourage governments to borrow more and spend in domestic investment projects. On 18 March 2020, to help the economy absorb the shock of the COVID-19 crisis, the ECB announced a €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP). The aim of the stimulus package (PEPP) was to lower borrowing costs and increase lending in the euro area.[70]

Dobro razmišljanje.
Ob tem pa se še vprašajte koliko BTC si bodo lahko nakupili ti,ki tako iz “zraka” natiskajo denar in kako si že postiljajo v naprej in zagotavljajo in utrjujejo ponovno oblast in bogstvo nad vsemi s samo zvijačo.

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