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Poročen ljubim drugo

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
zaljubljen710, 06.06.2021 ob 15:58

No……….če bi jaz bil impluziven, bi jo že 5x pofukal. Milo rečeno. Če bi bil prasec, bi varal ženo in zavajal “ta drugo”. Ne bom pustil žene in ne bom porival ta druge. Bom jo sklatil iz glave. In ona meni ni popolna. Samo privlači me zelo. Niti ni najlepša ženska. Pač nekaj mi je premaknilo v glavi in to mi sploh ni všeč.

Če je tako, kaj pa sploh pišeš, da jo ljubiš. Ti sp loh veš kaj pomeni beseda ljubiš?! Za osebo, ki jo v bistvu ne poznaš sploh ne moreš reči, da jo ljubiš. Če ne drugega je skrajno otročje. Madona,  kakšnega “butla” ima tvoja ženska doma.

Še malo pa bom res verjel v uroke. Kaj me privlači njen pogled, njena energija, njena naklonjenost. Med časom epidemije me je skrbelo, je dobro? Kako ji je, je osamljena? Se spomni name? Kar nekaj.  Kaj in zakaj. Samo počakal bom, da se preneha. Je možno ljubiti dve?

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
zaljubljen710, 06.06.2021 ob 16:14

Še malo pa bom res verjel v uroke. Kaj me privlači njen pogled, njena energija, njena naklonjenost. Med časom epidemije me je skrbelo, je dobro? Kako ji je, je osamljena? Se spomni name? Kar nekaj.  Kaj in zakaj. Samo počakal bom, da se preneha. Je možno ljubiti dve?

Ne, dve ne. Tri pa sigurno! *hokus pokus*.

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
zaljubljen710, 06.06.2021 ob 15:59

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
Mary MCScary, 06.06.2021 ob 15:50

Noro ljubiš drugo.? Haha
Nehi no, nimaš pojma kaj ljubezen je. Ti bi malo izvenzakonskega hopa cupa,pa se tolažis,da je to vse v imenu ljubezni. Lepše se sliši padel v imenu ljubezni kot padel ker te lulcek tišči. :))

Pa ne vem kako ne razumete, da nimam polnih jajc, da bi jo lahko, pa je ne, da mi moti um in tega ne želim. Kaj si pametna preberi vse. Če bi hotu bi jo.

Imaš klasičen problem z jajci, ti bi jebo ampak nimaš jajc. Stroga žena.?

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
CrazY FroG, 06.06.2021 ob 16:16

Ne, dve ne. Tri pa sigurno! *hokus pokus*.


Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
Mary MCScary, 06.06.2021 ob 16:17

Imaš klasičen problem z jajci, ti bi jebo ampak nimaš jajc. Stroga žena.?

Žena je tako dobra, da se zato ne mažem. Želim, da me mine.

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
0/(/:6(!=:!), 06.06.2021 ob 16:08

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
0/(/:6(!=:!), 06.06.2021 ob 16:07
    Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
    Kar sam, 06.06.2021 ob 12:24

    Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
    odgoarja, 06.06.2021 ob 11:50

    Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
    Bagerist, 05.06.2021 ob 21:07

    Evo – resno hotem ima, priimke, naslove … formalno neznanih sklicateljev protestnikov ob petkih v LJ
    Tokrat (prejšnji petek) so zasedli ulice okoli Delavskega doma v LJ.
    V tem času je moji ženi začela odtekati porodna voda. Sva šla z avtom v porodnišnico… na koncu Celovške pa gamad nekih protestnikov, ki ni dovolila prometa proti porodnišnici. Sem klical 112 — pa so imeli težave priti do Tivolija …

    Ja Dojenček je “frderban” – bo ostal invalid, zaostal …
    Hočem zadoščenje!!
    Osebno in lastnoročno bom šel s kolom razbiti glave organizatorjem protestov !!
    A če me zaprejo … kot pravi predsednik države: So What ☺☺ Ti gnoji pač ne bodo več uničevali

    Odgovarjajo naj JJ, SMC in Desus. Če ne bi nategnili volivcev in se oklepali stolčkov, ne bi bilo nobenih protestov. Našteti politiki so krivi za tvojega “ferderbanega” novorojenčka.

    Če bi bila zgodbica resnična, bi avtorju že v porodnišnici povedali, da nosečnica, ki ji odteče voda, ne odkoraka do avta in se v sedečem položaju prevaža čez ljubljanske ulice, ki znajo biti tudi brez protestov zatrpane, ampak se (kot že omenjeno) pokliče rešilca, ki žensko odpelje v ležečem položaju.

    Ampak nekateri, ki vam osnovne stvari niso jasne, kar popadete na vrženo kost, pa čeprav je plastična in fluorescentna vijolične barve.




Dobil si kar nekaj pametnih nasvetov. Ena je napisala, da se ločuje samo kadar je v zakonu nevzdržno. Pri tebi pa zakon štima. Imaš dobro ženo, otroka, rada se imata. Tudi seksata dovolj, kot praviš. Torej se nima smisla ločit zaradi neke gole strasti, ki jo občutiš do ženske, katere v resnici sploh ne poznaš dobro. Pa tudi če bi jo poznal in bi bila to res super ženska, se ti nima smisla ločit, ker je tvoja žena tudi super ženska.

Ampak če daš obe super ženski na tehtnico, imaš do prve resno odgovornost, otroka ti je rodila, dala ti je svoj čas, svojo mladost in do sedaj sta že veliko skupnega zgradila. Če boš to zavrgel, jo boš izdal in če boš gradil svojo novo srečo na temelju nesreče svoje žene in vajinega otroka, se ti ne more iziti dobro. Poleg tega, kdo ti garantira, da se ne boš z novo super žensko tudi čez čas začel dolgočasiti v postelji in ti bo na pot prišla spet naslednja supet ženska itd…?

Nekateri zato pravijo, da ljudje nismo monogamna bitja. Tako se poskušajo rešiti odgovornosti in si dajo zeleno luč, da frfotajo kot metuljčki od cveta do cveta. Ali pa se po domače gonijo, kot se psi in mačke, kateri so daleč od monogamnosti. Ampak po pticah, ki pa so v večini zelo monogamne in pari skupaj skrbijo za svoj zarod in gnezdo, pa se nočejo zgledovati.

Ljudje pa se lahko odločimo, ali bomo monogamni, ali ne. V naravi nam je monogamnost, ampak se lahko odločimo, da bomo delali protinaravno in nato trpeli. Zakaj menim, da smo monogamni po naravi? En razlog je zato, ker naši potomci rabijo zelo dolgo, da se osamosvojijo. Zato rabijo trdno in stabilno družino, mamo in očeta, ob katerih odraščajo in si oblikujejo vrednote, se počutijo varne. V družinah, kjer en od partnerjev tava drugam, ali z mislimi, ali celo z dejanji, ni prave stabilnosti in varnosti.

Drug razlog, zaradi katerega nam je monogamnost bližja je, da smo po naravi zelo ljubosumni, če zaznamo, da se okrog našega partnerja mota nekdo drug. Zdaj si predstavljaj, da bi tvojo ženo en lušten seksi frajerček takole kuril, ji pošiljal vabilca na kavo itd. Seveda brez tvoje vednosti. Tvoja žena pa bi bila v postelji s tabo nekam odsotna, zasanjana nekam drugam, medtem ko bi se ti ukvarjal z njo, bi ona sanjarila o tem frajerčku in ne bi bila predana tebi, ti bi to čutil, ampak ne bi mogel narediti nič… A je prijeten občutek? Verjamem, da ni.

Dobil si še en dober nasvet. Misli se da kontrolirati, če jih seveda hočeš. Nehaj biti človek nagonov, bodi človek načel. A si naredil kako šolo, fakulteto? A so bile situacije, ko je zunaj sijalo krasno sonce, prijatelji so te vabili na izlete, ti pa si moral ostati doma in se učit? Ostal si torej doma. Pa je bilo to dovolj? A si doma potem razmišljal, kako luštno bi bilo sedaj s prijatelji piti pivce v obalnem bistroju? Seveda ne, svoje misli si moral usmeriti v izpit in se učiti, da bi izpit naredil. Ko pa je bilo izpitno obdobje mimo, pa si potem z veseljem in mirno vestjo žural.

Isto naredi zdaj. Uporabi isto tehniko, ko boš odmislil to žensko. Reci si, odmislil jo bom in se ukvarjal z ženo, otrokom. Ampak res ukvarjal, ne razmišljal zraven o njej. Na začetku bo mogoče težko, bo šlo bolj mehanično. A ko boš tehniko osvojil, bo šlo kot po maslu.

Moj predlog, najdite z družino nek nov hobi, ki zahteva veliko angažiranja, veliko tudi miselnega udejstvovanja. Na primer kakšno miselno strateško družabno igrico, ki ful zaposli možgane, pa tudi spodbuja udeležene h komuniciranju in sodelovanju. Ena takšna je recimo Catan. Izberite igro, ki jo bo zmogel vajin otrok, glede na njegovo starost, obenem pa bo tudi vama dovolj zanimiva in vznemirljiva.

Ali pa se lotite kakega novega športa, recimo supanje (ah ne, tam si na deski sam, tam misli spet lahko odtavajo…) Taborjenje, recimo. Skupaj pripravite opremo, skupaj naredite šotor, skupaj kuhajte na improviziranem kuhalniku, skupaj pojte pesmice zvečer ob ognju, skupaj se mažite proti komarjem in ko bo otrok v šotorčku zaspal, skupaj z ženo spijta buteljkico in… 🙂

Mislim, da ti bo še lepo s tvojo družino, če boš le pameten in če boš zdržal to preizkušnjo zrelosti, ki jo trenutno imaš.

Ta ženska, v katero si zaljubljen, je slaba ženska, če želi uničit brezskrbno otroštvo tvojemu otroku. Nje ne briga sreča tvojega otroka, ampak njena lastna sreča. Ti pa, ki imaš tvojega otroka rad, moraš dat na prvo mesto tvojega otroka in nato šele tebe. Tista ženska daje srečo tvojega otroka na najnižje možno mesto. Kako lahko kuješ v zvezde žensko, ki tako zaničuje tvojega otroka?

Le ljudje, ki so nevoščljivi za tvoje srečno življenje, ti lahko na forumih in drugje dajo nasvete, s katerimi boš uničil družino. Se bolje počutijo, če bo več nesrečnih z uničenimi družinami.

Pa še, če se boš ločil, si bo ona lahko dobila koga drugega,  in kaj potem?? Če nje sreča nedolžnega otroka ne briga, je tudi tvoja sreča ne bo.



Lej nisi uročen, malce te mika nedosegljivo, verjetno ti je fizično privlačna… ti si pa moški, nagonsko lovec… Ne mine te toliko let, ker je  pač blizu, jo srečuješ. Tudi če bi šla daleč stran bi ti lahko občasno burila domišljijo, ker je pač nisi “poizkusil in okusil”.

Ko gre za vprašanja strasti in razuma, vklopi razum, ravnaj TAKO DA BO PRAV.

Dejstvo je, da si zadovoljen z ženo, jo imaš rad, dobro funkcionirata. Prepustitev “nagonu” bi gotovo povzročilo izgubo žene, zakona, slabo vest… z novo gotovo ne bi trajalo, glede na to, kako si jo opisal in kako je ona dala pobudo.

Tudi ko hodiš mimo izložb, si ne vzameš vsega kar ti je všeč. Tako pač ravna “zrel človek”… obvladuje nagon in čustva. In ceni kar ima, ter spoštuje obljube (saj si ženi obljubil, da ji boš zvest … )


Komaj sem se prebil do odgovorov, vseh ne uspem prebrati, ker mi stran brejka. nekdo je pisal zelo na dolgo. zadnji trije komentarji so mi dali misliti. veselo novico imam, pričakujema drugega otroka. mislim, da se bom uspel spraviti v red in brzdati nagon. spoštujem svojo družino. P. S. Ženi sem povedal včeraj, kaj se mi dogaja. In vse skupaj je postalo veliko lažje. njej je hudo, je pa psihoterapevtka in zelo, zelo razumevajoča. Joj, obožujem jo. moj nasvet, če bi kdo izkusil podobno, zaupaj se partnerju, postane lažje in manj vabljivo.



Ne dogaja se to samo tebi meni isto že 3leta ne vem zakaj niti je dobro poznam niti nimam nekega velikega stika z njo ampak tako je žena je hladna kot led ko rabim čustveno potporo in to je to neka fantazija da je ona popolna ženska za mene vseeno če jo dobro ne poznam žalostno ampak resnično

Joj, po tej temi se mi zdi, da vas kar nekaj moških rado naokoli skače. Prekleti kurbirji!!!

Avtor, vzemi se v roke!!! Zaradi ene butalke in oglašanje male glave  v hlačah,boš tvegal zakon !!

Eni ste res loleki!!


Saj moj idiot je tudi razmišljal kot  ti! Na srečo nimama otrok!!!

Pa tako nedolžne se potem moški delate ,ko vas dobijo žene/partnerke z  roko v loncu z medom!! Da niste hoteli,da je bila nesreča,da niste vedeli kaj delate in bla,bla!!! En drek!!!


Saj ene ženske so iste!!!

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
zaljubljen710, 07.06.2021 ob 13:30

Komaj sem se prebil do odgovorov, vseh ne uspem prebrati, ker mi stran brejka. nekdo je pisal zelo na dolgo. zadnji trije komentarji so mi dali misliti. veselo novico imam, pričakujema drugega otroka. mislim, da se bom uspel spraviti v red in brzdati nagon. spoštujem svojo družino. P. S. Ženi sem povedal včeraj, kaj se mi dogaja. In vse skupaj je postalo veliko lažje. njej je hudo, je pa psihoterapevtka in zelo, zelo razumevajoča. Joj, obožujem jo. moj nasvet, če bi kdo izkusil podobno, zaupaj se partnerju, postane lažje in manj vabljivo.

Po tem odgovoru je jasno, da je spet izmišljena tema.

Kako je žena razumljiva, ampak je tako prizadeta sedaj, da obiskuje psihiatra .?!!


Torej ,če je kaj resnice v tej zgodbi, si je žena res uboga in lih ni zlahka vzela to z zaljubljenostjo v drugo kot sam pišeš.


In če je kaj resnice v tem, ti povem, ali napišem,da nobena ženska ne oprosti prevare,ali zgolj>>zaljubljenosti.

📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”#%$%$!%&!, 07.06.2021 ob 18:46

📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.

📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.

Odgovor na objavo uporabnika
zaljubljen271, 06.06.2021 ob 13:44

Ja res je, sem poročen, vendar noro ljubim drugo. Se je komu to zgodilo? Nisem (še) varal, vendar te druge ne morem pozabiti. Če mi uspe, da je ne vidim dalj časa, vsaj malo odmislim, jo sanjam. To traja že 4 leta, kot da sem uročen.


    Dragi moj, kot da berem svojo zgodbo. Obstaja moja ziher sorodna duša s katero sva 7 let zaradi njegovega zakona in otroka prekinila stike. Po 7 letih se videla in vsa čustva niso izginila še bolj so intenzivna. Jaz bi za njega naredila vse, ampak se oba zavedama da je poročen mislim pa, da ga jebe hiša in kredit  Srečen ni, vem ampak je odločitev njegova. Zalujem za živim človekom. Kaj naj narediš? Boš mogel sam pretehtat

📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.📷Hello 👋👋, everyone! This ⬆ is 🈶 the LONGEST TEXT 📖 EVER! I was inspired by the various other “longest texts ever” on 🔛🔛🔛 the internet 🌐🌐🌐, and I wanted ⚠ to make my own. So here 👈👈 it is 🈶! This ⬆ is 🈶 going to be a WORLD 🌎🌎🌎 RECORD 🎬! This ⬆ is 🈶 actually my third 🥉 attempt at doing this ⬆. The first 🥇 time ⌚, I didn’t save 💾 it. The second 🥈🥈🥈 time ⌚⌚⌚, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I’m writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks 😔 that my past two ✌✌✌ attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope 🙏 this ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ won’t get 🉐🉐🉐 lost 🏳🏳 somehow. Anyways, let’s talk 🗣 about WAFFLES! I like 😄 waffles. Waffles are cool 😎😎😎. Waffles is 🈶 a funny 😃 word. There’s a Teen Titans Go episode called “Waffles” where 🤷 the word “Waffles” is 🈶 said a hundred 💯💯💯-something times. It’s pretty annoying. There’s also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig 🐷🐷 Latin. Don’t know 🤔 what 😅 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin is 🈶? It’s a language 🌎 where 🤷 you take all the consonants before the first 🥇 vowel, move them to the end 🔚, and add ‘-ay 👽’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add ‘-way ↕️’ to the end 🔚🔚🔚. For example, “Waffles” becomes “Afflesway”. I’ve 🙋 been speaking 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised 😲😲😲 me when ⏰ I saw the episode for the first 🥇 time ⌚. I speak 📢 Pig 🐷🐷 Latin with my sister sometimes. It’s pretty fun 💃. I like 😄 speaking 📢 it in public 🚋🚋🚋 so that everyone around us gets confused 😕. That’s never ❌ actually happened before, but if it ever does, ’twill be pretty funny 😃😃😃. By the way ↕️↕️↕️, “’twill” is 🈶 a word I invented recently, and it’s a contraction of “it will”. I really hope 🙏🙏 it gains 💪🏻 popularity in the near future 📡, because “’twill” is 🈶 WAY ↕️↕️ more ➕ fun 💃 than saying “it’ll”. “It’ll” is 🈶 too boring. Nobody likes boring. This ⬆ is 🈶 nowhere near being the longest text 📖 ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ a decade later, who 💁 knows 🤔? But right 👉👉 now, it’s not very long. But I’ll just keep writing 🖊🖊🖊 until it is 🈶 the longest! Have 🈶 you ever heard the song “Dau Dau” by Awesome 👍 Scampis? It’s an amazing song. Look 👁👁👁 it up ☝☝☝ on 🔛🔛 YouTube! I play 🎽🎽 that song all the time ⌚ around my sister! It drives her crazy 🤪🤪, and I love 😍 it. Another way ↕️↕️↕️ I like 😄😄 driving 🚦🚦🚦 my sister crazy 🤪 is 🈶 by speaking 📢 my own made up ☝ language 🌎 to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language 🌎 that we both speak 📢 besides English 🇬🇧 is 🈶 Pig 🐷 Latin. I think 🤔🤔 you already knew 🤔 that. Whatever. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I’m gonna go for now. Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ now. I’m gonna contribute more ➕➕ to this ⬆ soon 🔜🔜-to-be giant wall of text 📖. I just realised I have 🈶 a giant stuffed 🥙 frog 🐸 on 🔛 my bed 🛌🛌. I forgot his name. I’m pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think 🤔🤔🤔 it was “FROG 🐸” in Morse Code 💻 or something. Morse Code 💻 is 🈶 cool 😎. I know 🤔 a bit of it, but I’m not very good 👌👍🏾 at it. I’m also not very good 👌👍🏾 at French 🥐🥐. I barely know 🤔 anything in French 🥐, and my pronunciation probably sucks 😔. But I’m learning it, at least. I’m also learning Esperanto. It’s this ⬆ language 🌎 that was made up ☝ by some guy 👦👦👦 a long time ⌚⌚⌚ ago to be the “universal language 🌎”. A lot of people 👫 speak 📢 it. I am such a language 🌎 nerd. Half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 probably gonna be about languages. But hey 👋, as long as it’s long! Ha, get 🉐🉐 it? As LONG as it’s LONG? I’m so funny 😃, right 👉? No 😣😣😣, I’m not. I should probably get 🉐🉐🉐 some sleep 🌕🌕. Goodnight! Hello 👋👋👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️ again. I basically have 🈶 only two ✌✌ interests nowadays: languages and furries. What 😅? Oh, sorry 💔💔💔, I thought you knew 🤔 I was a furry. Haha 😂😂😂, oops 😣😣😣. Anyway, yeah 🙌, I’m a furry, but since I’m a young 🧒🧒🧒 furry, I can’t really do as much as I would like 😄 to do in the fandom. When ⏰ I’m older, I would like 😄 to have 🈶🈶🈶 a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream 💤 of that. Sorry 💔 you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I’m honestly very desperate for this ⬆ to be the longest text 📖 ever. Last night 😴😴😴 I was watching nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but fursuit unboxings. I think 🤔🤔🤔 I need help 🆘. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚⌚, me and my mom 👪 were going to go to a furry Christmas ❄️ party 🍕🍕🍕, but we didn’t end 🔚🔚🔚 up ☝ going because of the fact that there was alcohol 🍺🍺 on 🔛 the premises, and that she didn’t wanna have 🈶 to be a mom 👪👪👪 dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay 👌👌👌, hopefully I won’t have 🈶🈶🈶 to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about furries anymore. I don’t care if you’re 👉 a furry reading this ⬆ right 👉👉 now, I just don’t wanna have 🈶🈶🈶 to torture everyone else. I will no 😣😣😣 longer say 🗣 the F word throughout the rest 😪 of this ⬆ entire text 📖. Of course, by the F word, I mean 😏😏😏 the one 1️⃣ that I just used six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times, not the one 1️⃣ that you’re 👉 probably thinking 🤔 of which I have 🈶 not used throughout this ⬆ entire text 📖. I just realised that next ⏭⏭⏭ year will be 2020. That’s crazy 🤪🤪🤪! It just feels so futuristic! It’s also crazy 🤪🤪🤪 that the 2010s decade is 🈶 almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It’ll be sad 😞 to see 👁👁 it go. I’m gonna work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a series of video 📼📼📼 lessons for Toki Pona. I’ll expain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶 after I come back ⬅️⬅️. Bye! I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ now, and I decided not to do it on 🔛 Toki Pona, since many other people 👫 have 🈶🈶 done Toki Pona video 📼 lessons already. I decided to do it on 🔛🔛🔛 Viesa, my English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 code 💻. Now, I shall explain what 😅 Toki Pona is 🈶. Toki Pona is 🈶 a minimalist constructed language 🌎 that has only ~120 words 🆔! That means you can learn 🎓 it very quickly. I reccomend you learn 🎓🎓 it! It’s pretty fun 💃 and easy! Anyway, yeah 🙌, I might finish my video 📼📼📼 about Viesa later. But for now, I’m gonna add more ➕ to this ⬆ giant wall of text 📖, because I want 😋 it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool 😎😎 to have 🈶🈶 a world 🌎 record 🎬 for the longest text 📖 ever. Not sure how 🤔 famous I’ll get 🉐 from it, but it’ll be cool 😎😎 nonetheless. Nonetheless. That’s an interesting word. It’s a combination of three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ entire words 🆔🆔🆔. That’s pretty neat. Also, remember when ⏰ I said that I said the F word six 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ times throughout this ⬆ text 📖? I actually messed up ☝ there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I’m such a liar! I struggled to spell the word “liar” there. I tried spelling it “lyer”, then “lier”. Then I remembered that it’s “liar”. At least I’m better at spelling than my sister. She’s younger than me, so I guess it’s understandable. “Understandable” is 🈶 a pretty long word. Hey 👋, I wonder what 😅 the most common word I’ve 🙋 used so far in this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶. I checked, and appearantly it’s “I”, with 59 uses! The word “I” makes up ☝ 5% of the words 🆔 this ⬆ text 📖! I would’ve thought “the” would be the most common, but “the” is 🈶 only the second 🥈🥈 most used word, with 43 uses. “It” is 🈶 the third 🥉🥉🥉 most common, followed by “a” and “to”. Congrats 👏 to those five 5️⃣5️⃣ words 🆔🆔🆔! If you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 the least common word is 🈶, well, it’s actually a tie between a bunch of words 🆔 that are only used once, and I don’t wanna have 🈶🈶 to list them all here 👈👈. Remember when ⏰ I talked about waffles near the beginning of this ⬆ text 📖? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this ⬆ longest text 📖 ever. Okay 👌, that was literally yesterday, but I don’t care. You can’t see 👁 me right 👉👉 now, but I’m typing with my nose 👃! Okay 👌👌👌, I was not able to type ⌨ the exclamation ❗ point 🈯 with just my nose 👃👃. I had to use my finger 💅💅. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose 👃👃👃! I’m not typing with my nose 👃👃👃 right 👉 now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 as long as possible quickly. I’m gonna take a break 💔💔 for now! Bye! Hi 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. My sister is 🈶 beside me, watching me write ✍ in this ⬆ endless wall of text 📖. My sister has a new 🆕🆕 thing where 🤷 she just says the word “poop 💩💩💩” nonstop. I don’t really like 😄 it. She also eats her own boogers. I’m not joking. She’s gross 🤢 like 😄😄😄 that. Also, remember when ⏰ I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is 🈶 just saying random 🎲 numbers 💯. Now she’s saying that they’re not random 🎲🎲, they’re the numbers 💯💯💯 being displayed on 🔛🔛🔛 the microwave. Still, I don’t know 🤔 why 🤔 she’s doing that. Now she’s making annoying clicking noises. Now she’s saying that she’s gonna watch 👁 Friends on 🔛 three 3️⃣ different devices. Why 🤔!?!?! Hi 👋 its me his sister. I’d like 😄 to say 🗣 that all of that is 🈶 not true. Max wants to make his own video 📼📼 but i wont let him because i need my phone 🤳🤳🤳 for my alarm 🚨.POOP 💩 POOP 💩💩💩 POOP 💩 POOP 💩 LOL 🤣 IM FUNNY 😃😃. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Sorry 💔💔 about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is 🈶 just effortless. She just went back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to school 🎓🎓. She comes home 👪 from school 🎓🎓🎓 for her lunch 🥪🥪 break 💔💔💔. I think 🤔 I’m gonna go again. Bye! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️. Let’s compare LTE’s. This ⬆ one 1️⃣1️⃣ is 🈶 only 8593 characters 🔣 long so far. Kenneth Iman’s LTE is 🈶 21425 characters 🔣🔣 long. The Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE (the original) is 🈶 a whopping 203941 characters 🔣🔣🔣 long! I think 🤔🤔 I’ll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman’s not long from now. But my goal is 🈶 to surpass the Flaming-Chicken 🐔 LTE. Actually, I just figured out 🏎🏍 that there’s an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔🐔 LTE. It’s Hermnerps LTE, which is 🈶 only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken 🐔🐔 LTE, at 230634 characters 🔣. My goal is 🈶 to surpass THAT. Then I’ll be the world 🌎 record 🎬 holder, I think 🤔🤔. But I’ll still be writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆ even after I achieve the world 🌎🌎🌎 record 🎬🎬🎬, of course. One 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ time ⌚, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie 🎬 script for no 😣😣 reason.It’ll feel nice to be way ↕️↕️↕️ ahead the record 🎬🎬🎬. My sister’s alarm 🚨 clock ⌛⌛ has been going off for half an hour and I haven’t turned it off. Why 🤔? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First 🥇🥇🥇 when ⏰ I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio 📻. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt 🤕 myself on 🔛 the door 🔑 while walking 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍. So that was quite the adventure. I’m gonna go sleep 🌕 now. Goodnight! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ again. My computer 🤖🤖🤖 BSOD’d while writing 🖊🖊 this ⬆, so I have 🈶🈶 to start 🆕🆕🆕 this ⬆ section over again. That’s why 🤔 you save 💾 your 👉 work 💼, kids 👦👦👦! Before I had to start 🆕🆕 over again, I was talking about languages. Yes 👍👍, I decided to bring that topic back ⬅️⬅️ after a while. But I no 😣😣 longer want 😋 to talk 🗣 about it. Why 🤔? Because it’ll probably bore you to death 💀💀💀. That is 🈶 assuming you’re 👉 reading this ⬆ at all. Who 💁 knows 🤔, maybe absolutely zero 0️⃣0️⃣ people 👫👫 will read 🛋 this ⬆ within the span of the universe’s existence. But I doubt 🤷 that. There’s gotta be someone who 💁’ll find 🔍🔍 this ⬆ text 📖 and dedicate their time ⌚ to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What 😅 will happen to this ⬆ LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet 🌐🌐🌐 dissapear within that time ⌚⌚⌚? In that case, will this ⬆ text 📖 dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest 😪😪 of what 😅 used to be the internet 🌐🌐🌐, be preserved somewhere? I’m thinking 🤔🤔🤔 out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣 right 👉 now. Well, not really “out 🏎🏍 loud 🗣🗣🗣” because I’m typing this ⬆, and you can’t technically be loud 🗣🗣🗣 through text 📖. THE CLOSEST THING IS 🈶 TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this ⬆ entire text 📖 like 😄😄😄 that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save 💾💾 my work 💼💼💼 this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚, in case of another crash. I already had my two ✌✌✌ past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean 😏, most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 already stored on 🔛 Neocities, so I probably won’t need to worry about anything. I think 🤔 I might change 📈 the LTE page a little. I want 😋 the actual text 📖 area to be larger. I’m gonna make it a very basic ☕ HTML page with just a header and text 📖. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don’t know 🤔. Screw it, I’m gonna do it. There, now the text 📖 area is 🈶 larger. It really does show 📺📺📺 how 🤔 small this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue 🙆‍♂️. That’s the name of the CSS color I used. It’s pretty light 🎃🎃. We’re getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark 📌! That’s the point 🈯🈯🈯 where 🤷 we’re one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ tenth of the way ↕️ to making this ⬆ the longest text 📖 ever, meaning all I have 🈶🈶🈶 to do is 🈶 write ✍✍✍ the equivalent of everything I’ve 🙋 already written so far nine 9️⃣ more ➕➕ times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How 🤔 come every time ⌚⌚⌚ I try to type ⌨⌨⌨ “though”, it comes out 🏎🏍 as “thought”? Why 🤔 do I always 🕔 type ⌨ the extra T? It’s so annoying that I have 🈶🈶🈶 to delete ❌❌❌ the T every time ⌚⌚⌚. Okay 👌👌, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing “thought” instead of “though”. I just realized that most of the games I play 🎽🎽🎽 are games that I’ve 🙋 been playing for at least six 6️⃣6️⃣ years. I started playing Garry’s Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out 🏎🏍. Now I have 🈶 to look 👁👁 that up ☝☝. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time ⌚⌚. Wow 😮😮, seven 7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven 7️⃣ years old 👴👴 then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when ⏰ I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called “Infinite Budgets” back ⬅️⬅️ then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people 👫👫👫 thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend 🐶🐶🐶 at the time ⌚⌚, and I did livestreams on 🔛 YouTube and stuff. It was fun 💃. 2016 was also when ⏰ I got the phone 🤳 that I still have 🈶🈶 to this ⬆ day. Yup, my phone 🤳🤳 is 🈶 three 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ years old 👴👴. My life 💓 was completely different when ⏰ I got this ⬆ phone 🤳: I was 11 years old 👴, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. I’m currently writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ in the car 🚌🚌🚌. We are on 🔛🔛🔛 out 🏎🏍 way ↕️↕️↕️ to the dollar 🤑 store. And since I’m writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ on 🔛🔛🔛 my phone 🤳🤳🤳, I’m making a lot more ➕ typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar 🤑 store. I have 🈶🈶 a gift 🎁🎁 card for that place 🏆🏆. I think 🤔 so anyways, it might be for a different store… Yup, this ⬆ dollar 🤑 store is 🈶 different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find 🔍 the sponges and go crazy 🤪 over them. Why 🤔 does she like 😄 sponges so much? No 😣😣😣 idea 💡. She just found a bag 🎒🎒🎒 of tiny baby 👶👶👶 dolls 🎎🎎, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is 🈶 truly a strange human 👤👤👤 being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out 🏎🏍 of the dollar 🤑🤑🤑 store, and now we’re going to the computer 🤖 store. I have 🈶🈶 no 😣😣 idea 💡💡 why 🤔 we’re here 👈👈. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home 👪👪👪. Welp, that was a fun 💃 adventure. Stay tuned for more ➕ fun 💃💃💃 adventures as you read 🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello 👋👋 again. I made a private world 🌎🌎 on 🔛🔛 OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn’t want 😋 to join 🈴🈴🈴 it. She doesn’t think 🤔🤔🤔 it’ll be fun 💃. Now I’m just editing it alone. How 🤔 sad 😞. But oh well. Now I’m here 👈👈 adding more ➕➕➕ to this ⬆ text 📖. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language 🌎 called “Bo”, where 🤷 the only word is 🈶 “bo”. I made it almost four 4️⃣4️⃣ months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People 👫👫 are still spamming nothing 🈚 but “bo” there. It’s great 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. I also once made a server where 🤷 you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time ⌚⌚ though, so all that insanity is 🈶 no 😣 more ➕. I also used to own a Pig 🐷🐷 Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good 👌👍🏾 memories in that server though. Now there’s a new 🆕🆕 Pig 🐷🐷🐷 Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead 💀💀 for so long. I haven’t posted a video 📼📼📼 in a year. I want 😋 to revive it, but I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to post there. I’ll figure it out 🏎🏍. I doubt 🤷🤷 my channel will ever go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random 🎲🎲 fact of the day: there are thirty-nine 9️⃣ question ❓❓ marks so far in this ⬆ text 📖. Am I about to make it forty? Yes 👍👍👍, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is 🈶 no 😣😣😣 longer true. Or is 🈶 it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future 📡 events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is 🈶 still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept 👍 that I’m editing that world 🌎🌎 of text 📖 alone for the rest 😪 of my life 💓. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is 🈶, now that world 🌎 will never ❌ be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here 👈👈. But that’s fine. Hey 👋, I just had a cool 😎😎 realization. Basically, there’s this ⬆ conlang (constructed language 🌎, for those not in the know 🤔) server where 🤷 we have 🈶🈶🈶 a Sentence of the Week activity. In this ⬆ activity, someone posts a text 📖 with a maximum of nine 9️⃣ sentences, then people 👫👫 translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is 🈶 this ⬆: if we take nine 9️⃣ sentences from this ⬆ LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people 👫👫👫 to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this ⬆ LTE. Divide 🈹🈹🈹 that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 🉐🉐🉐 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is 🈶 approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck 😜💦 at math 📐📐, but that’s besides the point 🈯. I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋! Hello 👋, I’m back ⬅️ again. I really need to come up ☝☝☝ with different hello 👋👋👋 and goodbye 👋👋👋 messages 💬💬💬, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back ⬅️ again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye 👋👋👋!” I said at the end 🔚🔚🔚 of the previous ⬅️⬅️ section. I was going to explain what 😅 a “section” is 🈶, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have 🈶 to figure it out 🏎🏍 yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out 🏎🏍, anyways. I guess I can just say 🗣🗣🗣 that a section starts with me saying hello 👋👋👋, and ends with me saying goodbye 👋👋👋. That should be enough explaination, now that I think 🤔🤔 about it. Hey 👋, do you ever feel like 😄😄😄 you never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡 what 😅 you’re talking about? That’s my entire life 💓. I just summarized it all in one 1️⃣ sentence. On 🔛 an unrelated note 🔣🔣, I feel like 😄 half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean 😏😏😏, press 🗞 CTRL+F on 🔛🔛 this ⬆ webpage, then type ⌨⌨⌨ “LTE”. Look 👁 at all the times I use it in this ⬆ text 📖! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search 🔍🔍🔍 results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this ⬆ text 📖 is 🈶 just me talking about how 🤔 I’m trying to get 🉐🉐🉐 this ⬆ text 📖 to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have 🈶🈶🈶 a long way ↕️ to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way ↕️↕️ there. I mean 😏😏, minus the four 4️⃣ month 🈷️🈷️ gap, my estimation is 🈶 that I’ve only been writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ for not even two ✌✌✌ weeks. So it makes sense that this ⬆ LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look 👁 at this ⬆ webpage, it looks long at first 🥇🥇🥇 glance, but the longer I look 👁👁 at it, the more ➕➕ I realize how 🤔 short it actually is 🈶. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this ⬆ time ⌚⌚⌚. I just realized that none of this ⬆ is 🈶 helping the fact that half this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 about the LTE itself. I should bring up ☝☝☝ a new 🆕🆕🆕 topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why 🤔? Because, like 😄😄😄 I said, I never ❌ have 🈶 any idea 💡💡💡 what 😅 I’m talking about. Most of this ⬆ LTE is 🈶 just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back ⬅️⬅️⬅️ into that territory 🇮🇴 at this ⬆ point 🈯. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write ✍ this ⬆ LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time ⌚⌚. Also, LEARN 🎓 VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back ⬅️. The documentation for Viesa is 🈶 on 🔛🔛🔛 this ⬆ very website 💯, so go ahead and read 🛋🛋🛋 it! You might need to know 🤔 some linguistic knowledge 📕 to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know 🤔 some amount about lingusitics, so you have 🈶 been warned. If Viesa is 🈶 too much for you, Pig 🐷🐷 Latin will probably be better for you. If it’s so easy that kids 👦👦👦 can learn 🎓 it, you can too! It’s a language 🌎 you can learn 🎓 in probably five 5️⃣5️⃣5️⃣ minutes, so why 🤔 not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where 🤷 you place 🏆🏆 ‘ub’ before every vowel sound 👂👂👂. It’s also a very easy language 🌎 to learn 🎓🎓🎓, although not quite as popular. The thing is 🈶, none of these are even real languages. They’re just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig 🐷 Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig 🐷🐷 Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is 🈶 easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never ❌ put in the effort to learn 🎓 them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun 💃💃 game 🎱🎱: I will open 👐👐 up ☝ a random 🎲🎲 page from a book 📖, and tell 🗣 you the first 🥇🥇 word I see 👁👁👁. English 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more ➕➕ fun 💃 games as you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ LTE. We’re back ⬅️⬅️⬅️, and we’re gonna play 🎽🎽🎽 the same game 🎱 as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four 4️⃣4️⃣ of those words 🆔🆔🆔 were language 🌎 related. You’ll never ❌ guess why 🤔! (Spoiler alert 🚨🚨: it’s a conlanging book 📖). I’m running 🏃‍♀️ out 🏎🏍 of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random 🎲🎲 word and try to talk 🗣🗣🗣 about it. Forbid 📛📛📛. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know 🤔 what 😅 else to say 🗣🗣. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk 🗣🗣🗣 about. You know 🤔 what 😅’s weird 😕? My favorite 🔖 word hasn’t been used once in this ⬆ entire text 📖. I’m about to change 📈 that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite 🔖🔖 word is 🈶 “epic”. I use it on 🔛🔛 a regular basis. I say 🗣🗣🗣 “That’s epic” all the time ⌚. It’s a word I can’t live without. Hey 👋, I’ve 🙋 now written more ➕➕➕ of this ⬆ text 📖 after the 4 month 🈷️ gap than before it! Just thought I’d share that fact. Also, I’m gonna try and write ✍✍✍ as much as possible in this ⬆ LTE today. I’ve 🙋 already written more ➕ today than the day I first 🥇🥇 said I was gonna write ✍✍ as much as possible, so that’s a good 👌👍🏾 sign ⛎⛎. The thing is 🈶, I don’t know 🤔 what 😅 to write ✍ about. I need to write ✍ about something, otherwise I won’t write ✍✍ at all and I won’t accomplish my goal. Wait 🚏🚏, what 😅 goal should I set? How 🤔 many characters 🔣 should I write ✍ today? I’m gonna try and get 🉐 10,000 characters 🔣🔣🔣. I’ve 🙋 already written almost 5,000 today, so from here 👈👈 I just have 🈶 to write ✍✍ the equivellant of everything I’ve 🙋 already written today. I’m just gonna try it and see 👁 if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future 📡📡 I’ll do a bigger goal, like 😄 15,000 or even 20,000 in one 1️⃣ day. Actually, I don’t know 🤔 if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like 😄😄😄 somewhat of a stretch for me to write ✍✍ that much in a single day. We’ll see 👁👁👁 how 🤔 long 10,000 takes, though. I’m already doing a bad 📉📉📉 job 💼 at this ⬆. I haven’t typed anything here 👈👈 in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it’s a conlang created by Bill 💵💵 Price 🔖 in 1965. It amazes me how 🤔 one 1️⃣ can work 💼 on 🔛🔛🔛 a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start 🆕🆕🆕 making die ⚰ after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like 😄😄😄 it because… um, I don’t know 🤔, actually. There’s not really anything about it that’s super interesting (other than how 🤔 long it’s existed), it’s just his personal conlang. Maybe it’s the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language 🌎. I’m sure most people 👫 reading this ⬆ don’t care about my language 🌎 related talk 🗣🗣, but I gotta make this ⬆ long. I’m desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I’ve 🙋 got 4,000 to go. I just found a website 💯 that generates random 🎲🎲 art 🎨🎨 from a seed. I just put this ⬆ entire text 📖 as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here 👈👈, but I want 😋 this ⬆ LTE to be nothing 🈚🈚🈚 but text 📖, so I won’t do that. I’ve 🙋 been playing with this ⬆ for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used “e” as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. “a” looks nice too, arguably nicer. I’ve 🙋 been using nothing 🈚 but the word “nice” to describe these pictures. Maybe it’s time ⌚⌚⌚ to get 🉐🉐🉐 a bigger vocabulary? “b 🅱️🅱️🅱️” looks, um, good 👌👍🏾? I don’t have 🈶🈶🈶 the right 👉 vocabulary for this ⬆. I also don’t feel like 😄 doing every single letter ✉️✉️✉️, because the pictures take some time ⌚⌚ to generate. But if you want 😋 to do it for yourself, just go to random 🎲🎲-art 🎨🎨🎨.org and try it out 🏎🏍! By the way ↕️↕️, this ⬆ is 🈶 another website 💯 I found through You know 🤔, the same website 💯 that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing 🖊 this ⬆ whole thing. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce mentioned it. But what 😅 made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what 😅 made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad 👨👨👨 showed it to me when ⏰ I was 6. So I would like 😄 to thank 🙏 my dad 👨 for being the reason I started writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆. He’s the one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ who 💁 showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start 🆕 my own LTE. If he had never ❌ shown me YouTube, I wouldn’t be here 👈👈 writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖, and you wouldn’t be reading it. Well, that’s probably not true, because I probably would have 🈶 discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to… okay 👌👌👌, I really need to stop ✋✋✋ now. I’ve 🙋 gone too far. But you know 🤔 what 😅 I haven’t gone too far with? This ⬆ LTE. I don’t think 🤔🤔🤔 I even can go too far with writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ text 📖. Unless this ⬆ text 📖 gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit ⌛ of Neocities. In which case, I’ll need to upgrade to Supporter in order 📑 to get 🉐🉐🉐 a 50GB storage limit ⌛⌛⌛. But what 😅 if the text 📖 gets so long that is 🈶 surpasses that? I don’t think 🤔 I’ll ever make it there. I mean 😏, 50GB is 🈶 about 50 trillion characters 🔣🔣. So I think 🤔 we’re good 👌👍🏾. I still need to get 🉐 to 10,000 by the end 🔚🔚🔚 of today. I’ve 🙋 got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It’s reminding me of when ⏰ I used to livestream back ⬅️ in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time ⌚, I was quite awkward and had zero 0️⃣0️⃣ social skills, so I’m not sure if I’d want 😋 to go back ⬅️⬅️. At this ⬆ point 🈯, everything I’ve 🙋 written today is 🈶 longer than what 😅 can fit on 🔛 the screen 💻💻 at once. At least on 🔛 my computer 🤖🤖 screen 💻💻💻. It probably changes with different screen 💻💻💻 resolutions and devices. But anyways, it’s pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don’t want 😋 to pressure myself into writing 🖊🖊🖊 this ⬆ much every day, though. Last time ⌚ I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up ☝☝ losing 🏳🏳🏳 motivation, thus letting down ⬇⬇ all my fans who 💁 were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date 👫. Okay 👌👌, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on 🔛 one 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ hand 👍, but still. By the way ↕️↕️, if you’re 👉 wondering what 😅 this ⬆ “something” was, it was GoAnimated Garbage 🗑: The Movie 🎬🎬, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun 💃💃 of random 🎲 GoAnimate videos. In case you’re 👉 not the type ⌨⌨⌨ of person 👤👤👤 who 💁 knows 🤔 what 😅 GoAnimate is 🈶… hoo boy 👶. Basically, it’s a drag-and-drop animation website 💯 infamous for the “grounded videos” that people 👫👫👫 made with it, among other types of videos. It’s this ⬆ whole community that I neither can explain nor want 😋 to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back ⬅️ in the day. On 🔛🔛 my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼 known as the “OS video 📼”. Typically an OS video 📼 is 🈶 where 🤷 some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user 👤’s computer 🤖, and the user 👤👤 has to deal with this ⬆ OS until they eventually find 🔍🔍🔍 a way ↕️↕️↕️ to “destroy” it. I made five 5️⃣ of these videos. In chronological order 📑📑: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill 💵 OS, and Crap OS X ❌. Caillou OS is 🈶 the most viewed video 📼📼 on 🔛🔛 my main channel, which is 🈶 unsurprising since Caillou is 🈶 pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When ⏰ I made that video 📼📼, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel’s name was changed 📈 from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when ⏰ I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old 👴👴👴 videos were deleted, with the exception of my “Barney Errors”, which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video 📼📼📼. Basically, a Barney error 🚨🚨🚨 is 🈶 when ⏰ a user 👤’s computer 🤖/console 🎮/whatever session is 🈶 interrupted by a “Barney Error 🚨”, a message 💬💬 informing the user 👤 that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it’s an “important message 💬”. There’s also a bomb 💥💥💥 that’s placed in Barney’s “lair”, the timer for which is 🈶 displayed in the error 🚨🚨. The user 👤👤 gets some amount of “chances”, and every time ⌚⌚ the device is 🈶 turned off, the user 👤 looses a chance and the time ⌚ until the bomb 💥💥 explodes decreases. Eventually, the user 👤👤👤 turns off the computer 🤖🤖 enough times that there are no 😣 more ➕ chances left 👈👈, the bomb 💥💥 explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your 👉 operating system, to having your 👉 computer 🤖🤖 destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death 💀💀💀. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where 🤷 I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit 😩 GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X ❌, an OS video 📼📼 made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop 💩💩💩 Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one 1️⃣1️⃣ called “Atch OS” using my old 👴👴 Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see 👁👁 if my old 👴👴👴 Weebly website 💯 still exists, since there’s an Atch OS download on 🔛🔛 there and I wanted ⚠ to see 👁 if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I’m getting so much nostalgia from this ⬆ website 💯. It’s like 😄😄 a window into 2016, when ⏰ I had fun 💃💃 making these videos on 🔛 a regular basis. I’m way ↕️ past my 10,000 character goal now. I’m kinda glad 😆😆😆 I set this ⬆ goal, but again, I’m not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think 🤔🤔 I’m gonna stop ✋✋✋ writing 🖊🖊 for today. Bye! Hey 👋, I’m back ⬅️. Yes 👍👍👍, that hello 👋👋 wasn’t original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right 👉? I hope 🙏🙏 you read 🛋🛋🛋 through this ⬆ whole thing instead of just picking a random 🎲🎲 part (which just happened to be this ⬆ part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I’m just kidding. Read 🛋🛋🛋 this ⬆ text 📖 however you want 😋 to, it doesn’t matter if you read 🛋 this ⬆ entire text 📖 from start 🆕 to finish or not. I mean 😏😏😏, I did put some cringy stuff in here 👈👈, as I keep mentioning. But it’s on 🔛🔛🔛 the Internet 🌐🌐🌐, and since recently, on 🔛🔛🔛 my homepage, so I know 🤔 people 👫 are gonna read 🛋🛋🛋 it. Really the only reason I’m making this ⬆ is 🈶 because I have 🈶 a weird 😕😕😕 obsession for writing 🖊🖊 giant walls of text 📖. Guess what 😅? I just added translations of this ⬆ LTE into various conlangs on 🔛 my website 💯! But they’re all very incomplete, and I probably won’t finish them ever… I mean 😏, if I’m gonna finish any of them, ’twill probably be the Viesa translation since it’s the easiest to do.

Ma nisi edini ,nor sem na svojo ločeno sosedo in ona to dobro ve.

V zakonu se z partnerko ne razumeva.


Večina te ne bo razumela, zato ignoriraj posploševanje in natolcevanje. Doma lahko imaš v nulo vse pošlihtano, ampak, ko v življenju srečaš določenega človeka z energijo, ki v tebi prebudi  posebne občutke-čustva za katera sploh nisi vedel, da obstajajo, tega žal ne moreš na noben način ignorirati.

Sedaj je na tebi, kaj boš s tem naredil – se sprijaznil in sprejel, da ti srce noro razbija za to osebo in fural normalno družinsko življenje naprej, čustveno varal ženo, v sebi pa trpel do zadnjega dne kar se bo slej kot prej pokazalo tudi na tvojem telesu v kakšnem bolezenskem stanju zaradi potlačenih čustev.

Ali pa boš položil karte na mizo in razmislil o ločitvi. Pri tem ne pozabi, da sta se z ženo skupaj odločila za otroke in da je tvoja dolžnost starša, da poskrbiš za njihovo udobje. Ženi si se zaobljubil v dobrem in slabem, kaj pa zdaj? Te je presenetilo, kaj boš naredil, boš prelomil obljubo, se boš odrekel družini, temu načinu življenja, imaš pogum za nov začetek z nekom, za katerega ne veš kako funkcionira v partnerstvu, se bo obneslo, bo trajalo, si pripravljen, da ti ta oseba ponudi vse in na koncu zavrže, prizadene, da si mogoče nikoli več ne boš opomogel,…?

Niti malo ti ne zavidam. Vem kaj prestajaš. Si človek na mestu, kar pove že dejstvo, da kljub vabilom nisi prestopil meje, nisi varal, nisi šel v avanturo. Razum je močnejši od srca. Ampak za kakšno ceno? Kaj pa če je to bitje usojeno-namenjeno tebi in boš  moral žal nekaj dragocenega (družino) žrtvovati, nekaj spustiti in narediti prostor novemu-veličastnemu. Mogoče je samo kruta lekcija in se ne bo izteklo tako kot si vidva želita?

Avtor razumem te kaj prestajaš. Tudi jaz ločena nekaj časa in srečam človeka, ki mi vizualno ni bil nek vau, ampak božanska energija med nama. To se ne da opisat z besedami. Popoln tujec, ki v tebi prebudi tak vihar čustev za katerega sploh ne veš, da obstajajo, ko občutiš ob človeku takšno popolnost, da ne potrebuješ ničeser več v življenju in ti je dovolj, da samo diha zraven tebe…noro. Žal je tudi pri nama bilo tako, on poročen, jaz samska in sem se spoštljivo umaknila-nikoli ni bilo med nama intimnega kontakta, niti izpovedanih čustev. Itak verjetno besede niso bile potrebne. Vedno ga bom nosila v srcu, ne vem če bo kdaj prostor še za koga drugega. Jaz sem se sprijaznila. Sprejela dejstvo, da ga ne morem in nočem izbrisati iz svojega spomina. Pomirila sem se s tem. Srečna sem, da sem zaradi njega imela priložnost spoznati takšno veličastno ljubezen, božansko energijo dveh duš.Včasih se zalotim, ko doživim kaj lepega, da si želim, da bi bil zraven mene in bi lahko to z njim delila. Prosim Boga samo za to,da omili pogrešanje in hrepenenje po njem.

Če bi se ločil zaradi mene, ga ne bi sprejela, ker bi bil občutek krivde prevelik zame, da je zaradi mene razdrl družino in prizadel nedolžne ljudi – nisem človek, da bi gradila lastno srečo na nesreči drugih. Če pa bi ga srečala čez nekaj let in bi mi rekel, da se je ločil, ker njegov zakon ni funkcioniral in da je že precej časa samski, pa bi ga brez pomisleka sprejela odprtih rok do zadnjega diha, ker vem, da ne more v človeku, ki ti prebudi tako lepe občutke, biti nič kaj podlega, da bi te izigral in prizadel.

Avtor vso srečo ti želim na tvoji življenjski poti! Žal ni gumba za “delete”

Vse kar trenutno doživljaš je doživela prijateljica in si želi zavrteti čas nazaj.

Največja težava je bila, da so se vsi občutki ki jih je imela izzveneli takoj, ko je začela preživljat z njim dlje časa.

Vsi občutki so bili utvara o človeku, ki si jih je sama ustvarila. Realnost jo je kmalu ulovila…

Njen nasvet danes, sam si naredi blokado in začni iskat napake ne si delat utvar…

In začni s svojim možem/ženo delati vse kar si delaš utvaro s to osebo ki te je zmedla, čimveč časa preživi z ženo in z otrokom.

Odmisli osebo, ki ti dejansko ne želi dobro, če je ne zanima tvoja žena in otrok te tudi nima toliko rada, da bi ji bilo to pomembno. Egoistični ljudje so najbolj podli.


Če bi jo ljubil, bi se ločil. Samo zagledan si, pa tič jo pogreša.

Imela sem skoraj enak primer, ampak nisem bila vsiljiva kot ta avtorjeva ta nova.

Jaz sveže ločena, z enim otrokom,  me je zanimal- ni bil za to. Takrat je bil samski. Po dveh SMSjih sem mu dala mir. Kasneje sem slišala, da se je v kakem letu poročil z drugo in da ima 2 otroka. Dolgo sem rabila, da sem se sprijaznila s tem, da mu pač ni do mene.

Čez 9 let, pazi 9 let, izvem, da je ločen, ker ga je žena zaradi drugega pustila. In kaj on naredi? Me kliče na kavo. Zavrnila sem ga, ker sem vezana, zdaj že s 3 otroci. Potem me je zasuval s SMSji, pisal mi na Facebook, ni da ni, gnjavil skozi, nisem odgovarjala, a vseeno. In težil, da me je vedno želel. A zdaj jaz očitno svoje zveze ne mislim uničiti zaradi njega. Še vedno občasno dobim njegovo sporočilo – ignoriram. Bolj me boli to, kar sedaj dela kot to, da me je takrat zavrnil.

Avtor mora samo razmisliti, kaj on zares želi. Tudi njegova žena ne bi bila srečna, če bi vedela, da je ne ljubi. Prikrivanje resnice je pa tudi podlo in če je noče prizadeti z resnico – jo naj pač drži v laži, da jo ljubi. Sčasoma tak zakon itak razpade, ne bo mogel večno glumiti, da mu je do nje.

Mislim, da to ni dobro. mislim da si fukjen picka ti materna nevem idi jo varat al kaj ti naj rečem če jo ljubiš kak si lahko z drugo bolan si pacient adijo



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